I want to hide every n-th row from some point. I have a sheet with on every row a date. everey week is followed bij a total-row. I want to hide all the date viewing only he totals. However this has to start at row 9 (1-8 has a header). See the code, how can I make it start at row 9?
Sub HideRows()
Dim hRows As Long
Const myHidden As Long = 6
Const Jump1 As Long = 2
'Const Jump2 As Long = 2
Const LastRow As Long = 100
For hRows = 1 To LastRow Step Jump1 + myHidden
Rows(CStr(hRows + Jump1) & ":" & CStr(hRows + myHidden + Jump1)).Select
Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = True
'Rows(CStr(hRows + Jump1 + Jump2) & ":" & CStr(hRows + Jump1 + Jump2 + myHidden)).Select
'Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = True
Next hRows
End Sub
I want to hide every n-th row from some point. I have a sheet with on every row a date. everey week is followed bij a total-row. I want to hide all the date viewing only he totals. However this has to start at row 9 (1-8 has a header). See the code, how can I make it start at row 9?
Sub HideRows()
Dim hRows As Long
Const myHidden As Long = 6
Const Jump1 As Long = 2
'Const Jump2 As Long = 2
Const LastRow As Long = 100
For hRows = 1 To LastRow Step Jump1 + myHidden
Rows(CStr(hRows + Jump1) & ":" & CStr(hRows + myHidden + Jump1)).Select
Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = True
'Rows(CStr(hRows + Jump1 + Jump2) & ":" & CStr(hRows + Jump1 + Jump2 + myHidden)).Select
'Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = True
Next hRows
End Sub