Hi Frank,
Ok...here goes my scenario.
I am trying to create a Purchase orders control sheet for my cashflo
As I need flexibility for the worksheet, I allow them to define th
period for the control sheet depending on the info they want to view
(This I have used date function)
Maybe a clip will give u some picture.
1 PO # Vendor PO Date Terms Due Amount 1-Jan 2-Jan
Starting from G1 onward, the dates is running until the end of th
period that defined. As there will be some due amt after the period
that's why I added a column right the the last column of the workshee
as Amount Due after 30-Jun. The problem comes in if I tried to shorte
the period to one month say to show only from period 1-Jan-2004 t
31-Jan-2004. The running dates that I defined in row 1 can dissapea
when I changed the period but the blank column is still there...As
result, I need to scroll to the very last column just to see the tota
amount fall due after Jan 31. This give me the idea if I can ask Exce
to automatically hide those blank columns, I can easily get the whol
picture in one sheet, that is after the column with 31-Jan, I can se
my Amount Due After 31-Jan column. Of course, I need the flexibilit
there also when people defined a longer period, say 2 months, the
Excel should be able to reappear the hidden column up to 29-Feb.
Got the picture now? I need Excel to invoke automatically and don'
want the users to intervene manually. I also don't want to use filte
function b'coz the users may not be well understand with Excel...the
may simply corrupt the whole thing. Moreover, I think I can't us
filter in my scenario, can I?
So, I thought you could help me with some simple VBA which could d
that....I have zero knowledge on VBA...I start to pick up Exce
functions (the advance functions) when I join this forum. Thanks t
those experts who are so helpful just like you.
Of course I don't expect you to write for me the whole VBA....if th
VBA to perform this function is too tedious, I think I will forgo thi
idea b'coz no point wasting such a long time for this. Please show m
if only it is a short and simple VBA.
I hope I have clearly draw out the picture. Maybe you have othe
alternative ways to go about this automation thing, please share.
Thank you.