I have multiple calculated fields whose results return either text from a
memo field or nothing. When the result does not return the text from a memo
field I want the space for that field to close up. The calculation for the
field is done via a Function. Can Shrink and Can Grow are both set to yes for
each field on the report and for the detail section of the report. The fields
are set on the report the way I want them to be when they each return text,
with 1/4" spacing between them vertically. Each field has no other field or
control horizontally equal with it. I have been trying to do the calculation
with an If ... Then ... Else statement , but can't figure out what to put in
the Else section that will return correctly for the function. I've tried
setting the field control Visible to False, but don't think I'm getting the
function to return the information correctly. I've tried setting the function
to return "" as it's string, but that doesn't work. I think I must be missing
something simple, but for the life of me can't figure it out. I appreciate
any help you can give me. Thank you.
My function is written like this, without the else statement:
Function ActivityArrowText() As String
Dim Activity As String
Dim ANum As Boolean
Dim AANum As Byte
Dim AArrowNum As Byte
ANum = False
Activity = ""
AANum = 0
AArrowNum = 0
If ([Forms]![Client input]![1DMonth] = 7 Or [Forms]![Client input]![2DMonth]
= 7 Or _
[Forms]![Client input]![1DDay] = 7 Or [Forms]![Client input]![2DDay] = 7 Or _
[Forms]![Client input]![1DYear] = 7 Or [Forms]![Client input]![2DYear] = 7
Or _
[Forms]![Client input]![3DYear] = 7 Or [Forms]![Client input]![4DYear] = 7)
And _
([Forms]![Client input]![1DMonth] = 8 Or [Forms]![Client input]![2DMonth] =
8 Or _
[Forms]![Client input]![1DDay] = 8 Or [Forms]![Client input]![2DDay] = 8 Or _
[Forms]![Client input]![1DYear] = 8 Or [Forms]![Client input]![2DYear] = 8
Or _
[Forms]![Client input]![3DYear] = 8 Or [Forms]![Client input]![4DYear] = 8)
And _
([Forms]![Client input]![1DMonth] = 9 Or [Forms]![Client input]![2DMonth] =
9 Or _
[Forms]![Client input]![1DDay] = 9 Or [Forms]![Client input]![2DDay] = 9 Or _
[Forms]![Client input]![1DYear] = 9 Or [Forms]![Client input]![2DYear] = 9
Or _
[Forms]![Client input]![3DYear] = 9 Or [Forms]![Client input]![4DYear] = 9)
ANum = True
End If
If ANum = True Then
Randomize ' Initialize random-number generator.
AArrowNum = Int((2 * Rnd) + 1)
Activity = DLookup("[Activity Arrow]", "Numerology Data", "[ID
Number]=" & AArrowNum)
ActivityArrowText = Activity
End If
End Function
memo field or nothing. When the result does not return the text from a memo
field I want the space for that field to close up. The calculation for the
field is done via a Function. Can Shrink and Can Grow are both set to yes for
each field on the report and for the detail section of the report. The fields
are set on the report the way I want them to be when they each return text,
with 1/4" spacing between them vertically. Each field has no other field or
control horizontally equal with it. I have been trying to do the calculation
with an If ... Then ... Else statement , but can't figure out what to put in
the Else section that will return correctly for the function. I've tried
setting the field control Visible to False, but don't think I'm getting the
function to return the information correctly. I've tried setting the function
to return "" as it's string, but that doesn't work. I think I must be missing
something simple, but for the life of me can't figure it out. I appreciate
any help you can give me. Thank you.
My function is written like this, without the else statement:
Function ActivityArrowText() As String
Dim Activity As String
Dim ANum As Boolean
Dim AANum As Byte
Dim AArrowNum As Byte
ANum = False
Activity = ""
AANum = 0
AArrowNum = 0
If ([Forms]![Client input]![1DMonth] = 7 Or [Forms]![Client input]![2DMonth]
= 7 Or _
[Forms]![Client input]![1DDay] = 7 Or [Forms]![Client input]![2DDay] = 7 Or _
[Forms]![Client input]![1DYear] = 7 Or [Forms]![Client input]![2DYear] = 7
Or _
[Forms]![Client input]![3DYear] = 7 Or [Forms]![Client input]![4DYear] = 7)
And _
([Forms]![Client input]![1DMonth] = 8 Or [Forms]![Client input]![2DMonth] =
8 Or _
[Forms]![Client input]![1DDay] = 8 Or [Forms]![Client input]![2DDay] = 8 Or _
[Forms]![Client input]![1DYear] = 8 Or [Forms]![Client input]![2DYear] = 8
Or _
[Forms]![Client input]![3DYear] = 8 Or [Forms]![Client input]![4DYear] = 8)
And _
([Forms]![Client input]![1DMonth] = 9 Or [Forms]![Client input]![2DMonth] =
9 Or _
[Forms]![Client input]![1DDay] = 9 Or [Forms]![Client input]![2DDay] = 9 Or _
[Forms]![Client input]![1DYear] = 9 Or [Forms]![Client input]![2DYear] = 9
Or _
[Forms]![Client input]![3DYear] = 9 Or [Forms]![Client input]![4DYear] = 9)
ANum = True
End If
If ANum = True Then
Randomize ' Initialize random-number generator.
AArrowNum = Int((2 * Rnd) + 1)
Activity = DLookup("[Activity Arrow]", "Numerology Data", "[ID
Number]=" & AArrowNum)
ActivityArrowText = Activity
End If
End Function