Hiding a textbox In ASP.NET

  • Thread starter Thread starter psychomad
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can someone help me?! I'm trying to hide a textbox in my ASP.Net
source code, but it's not working!

This is part of the HTML code that i want to be hidden!

<td style="width: 170px">
Product Number:</td>
<td style="width: 214px"><asp:textbox id="txtProduct_Number"
runat="server" Width="215px" /> </td>

What should i do to Hide the Textbox??????
<%@ Page Language="VB" debug="true"%>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.OleDb"%>

<script language="VB" runat=server>
Dim oConn As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.
4.0;Data Source=C:\bhavish_vb_asign\StoresDbs.mdb")
Dim strProduct_Number as string

Sub Insert_Click(ByVal Src As Object, ByVal E As EventArgs)
Dim oDA As OleDbDataAdapter
Dim oDS As New DataSet
Dim sSql As String

oDA = New OleDbDataAdapter(sSql, oConn)
oDA.Fill(oDS, "product")
txtProduct_Number.Text =

End Sub

Private Function update(ByVal oConn As OleDbConnection, ByVal
strInsertSQL As String) As Integer
Dim intQueryState As Integer
' Connect to Database
'Make the OleDbCommand object
Dim cmdInsert As New OleDbCommand(strInsertSQL, oConn)
intQueryState = cmdInsert.ExecuteNonQuery()
Return intQueryState
End Function

Private Function Exists(ByVal oConn As OleDbConnection, ByVal
Value As String, ByVal ValueColumn As String, ByVal Item As String,
ByVal ItemColumn As String, ByVal TableName As String, Optional ByVal
bIsNumeric As Boolean = False) As Integer
Dim blnUserAuthenticated As Boolean = False
' Connect to Database
Dim strSQL As String = "Select * from " & TableName & "
where " & ItemColumn & "='" & Item & "' AND " & ValueColumn & "=" &
IIf(bIsNumeric, Value, "'" & Value & "'")
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand(strSQL, oConn)
Dim objDataReader As OleDbDataReader
objDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()

End Function



<title> EDITING PRODUCTS</title>

<body background="pale.jpg" bgproperties="fixed">

<form runat=server>

<h3><font face="Verdana" color="blue">EDIT PRODUCTS </font></h3>
<font color="blue" face="Verdana"><span style="font-
family: Times New Roman"><span
style="color: #cc0000">Enter Product Name and
Details for Update </span>
<br />
<br />
<table style="font-family: Times New Roman">

<td style="width: 170px">
Product Number:</td>
<td style="width: 214px"><asp:textbox id="txtProduct_Number"
runat="server" Width="215px" /> </td>

<asp:button text="Update Products" OnClick="Insert_Click"
<asp:Label id="Msg" ForeColor="red" Font-Name="Verdana" Font-
Size="10" runat=server />

psychomad said:

can someone help me?! I'm trying to hide a textbox in my ASP.Net
source code, but it's not working!

This is part of the HTML code that i want to be hidden!

<td style="width: 170px">
Product Number:</td>
<td style="width: 214px"><asp:textbox id="txtProduct_Number"
runat="server" Width="215px" /> </td>

What should i do to Hide the Textbox??????

Well, as far as I can see, the code you posted refers to txtProduct_Number
txtProduct_Number.Text =

<td style="width: 214px"><asp:textbox id="txtProduct_Number"
runat="server" Width="215px" /> </td>

I can't see any code in which you are trying to hide the TextBox...

That won't hide the textbox - it will actually stop it from even being
rendered and sent down to the client browser, which is not the same thing...

This doesn't work...in fact the right code is

txtProduct_Number.Visible ="false"

but this doesn't work also!

The field Product_Number in my database is set to 'AUTO NUMBER'
and i dnt want it to be displayed when the page is running. The page
is meant for UPDATE of the Product and i don't want the administrator
to be able to change the product number as the Row must only be
Updated not Inserted!!!!

This doesn't work...in fact the right code is

txtProduct_Number.Visible ="false"

No it isn't. The Visible property of webcontrols accepts boolean values, not
string values...
but this doesn't work also!
The field Product_Number in my database is set to 'AUTO NUMBER'
and i dnt want it to be displayed when the page is running. The page
is meant for UPDATE of the Product and i don't want the administrator
to be able to change the product number as the Row must only be
Updated not Inserted!!!!

So post the code where you are actually trying to hide this TextBox - you
still haven't done that...
the prob is that i don't know where to put the invisiblity of the
textbox Dear!!!!! I dnt kno if i must put it in th Sub or the 1st
Function or the 2nd Funcyion or the HTML code !!!!!
You could have set the text box to visible = false. Whilst it doesn't render
it, the content is still in the viewstate (if viewstate is still enabled for
the box). When the page posts back, you can still read its value, even
though it was not displayed.

Best regards,
Dave Colliver.
http://www.FOCUSPortals.com - Local franchises available

Display the product number in an <asp: Label...>, not in a textbox,
if you don't want it to be editable.

Juan T. Llibre, asp.net MVP
asp.net faq :http://asp.net.do/faq/
foros de asp.net, en español :http://asp.net.do/foros/
==================================="psychomad" <[email protected]>
wrote in message

- Show quoted text -

THANKS dear... That was the idea !!!!! It was so easy yet i didnt
thought about it !!!!!
!>THANKS dear... That was the idea !!!!!

You're quite welcome.

!> It was so easy yet i didnt thought about it !!!!!

Sometimes the simplest things trip us.
It takes somebody else to see what eludes us.

Been there, done that! :-)

Juan T. Llibre, asp.net MVP
asp.net faq : http://asp.net.do/faq/
foros de asp.net, en español : http://asp.net.do/foros/
Display the product number in an <asp: Label...>, not in a textbox,
if you don't want it to be editable.

Juan T. Llibre, asp.net MVP

THANKS dear... That was the idea !!!!! It was so easy yet i didnt
thought about it !!!!!
the prob is that i don't know where to put the invisiblity of the

Put it anywhere you like - it hardly matters...

"><asp:textbox id="txtProduct_Number"
runat="server" Width="215px" />

txtProduct_Number.Visible = False


asp:textbox id="txtProduct_Number" runat="server" Width="215px"
Visible="false" />
