"Martin Robins" <martin - robins @ ntlworld dot com> impressed us all with the
following remark:
Coming from Visual Foxpro programming, it was aggravating to not have this as
an option on the tab control (known as a "Pageframe" in VFP). I played around
and finally came up with this solution which meets my needs for a "Tabless Tab
Control"... (Of course being new to .NET, I may be missing an easier
In the designer, set;
Sizemode to Fixed and Appearance to Buttons (important!)
All that's left is to set Itemsize Width to 0 and Height to 1. I do this at
runtime so that I still have the tabs showing during development.
----> Me.TabControl1.ItemSize = New System.Drawing.Size(0, 1)
Hope that helps!