hide the Antispyware icon

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jack
  • Start date Start date


Is there a way to hide the Antispyware icon in the taskbar?
I'd like the program to run in real-time, but I don't want
to see the icon there. I'm running 2000.
In Setting, Options, general.

Be forewarned that it doesn't work perfectly. The icon will be hidden on
next restart, but will reappear after a scheduled scan, for example.
If you are running Windows XP I would use the taskbar properties to hide the
icon. Right click an empty spot on the task bar, click properties > under
Nortification Area > click "Customize" > select "Microsoft AntiSpyware -
Active" click in the "Behavior" and choose "Always Hide" > click OK > OK.
Best work around for the time being. Lets hope it gets resolved for beta 2.
Extended64 | http://www.extended64.com
Blog | http://www.extended64.com/blogs/andre
FAQ for MS AntiSpy http://www.geocities.com/marfer_mvp/FAQ_MSantispy.htm