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i put a simple password script into a site...

it looks like it will work but anyone can simply view the page source and
see the user name and password to copy...

sorry i am a neophyte but is this easily fixable?



Ideally you will need to use a server side script, or protected folders.
IF you have FrontPAge extensions on your site, and your host supports
unique permissions and subwebs, then see

http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;301554 (FP2000)
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;825451 (FP2003)

To Protect individual pages: (Requires Windows Server with support for
ASP and Access database)

A similar technique using PHP and mySQL can be used for individual

If you must use JavaScript (this is not recommended since it is very
insecure) then the methods outlined at
http://rxs-enterprises.org/tests/jspass/ may be better than the method
you have now.

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