hide macro in listbox



Is there a way to hide or prevent some of my sub procedures from showing up
in the macro list box? some of the procedures are called by other macros and
are never started directly by the user, so they only clutter of the listbox
when someone chooses tools, macros,macros.

Ron de Bruin

Hi BillyRogers

You can place Private before a sub like this
Private Sub test()

Or add this at the top of the module
Option Private Module

This way you don't see it in the macro list (Alt-F8)


Your the BEST Ron!!!!!!!!!!!

Ron de Bruin said:
Hi BillyRogers

You can place Private before a sub like this
Private Sub test()

Or add this at the top of the module
Option Private Module

This way you don't see it in the macro list (Alt-F8)

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