Hide/Delete XL Menus

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rockee052
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I am trying to delete or hide all of excels menus (not sure what th
best method would be). I have a few custom menus that I would like t
keep. I have played around with Application.CommandBar(2).Visible
False, but this will obviously take me a long time to complete. I wa
wondering if anyone knows of a simpler way to hide or delete the buil
in menus upon opening a workbook, then before closing restore th
menus, that way I won't mess up every workbook. I have looked in VB
help but, that's whole other story. I have also looked in google but
my search skills are limited :mad: . So, if anyone has any suggeston
or a link to a website that may help me. I would really appreciat
it... Thanks

Excel 200
Would this work for you?

With Application
.DisplayFullScreen = True 'False
.CommandBars(1).Enabled = False 'True
End With

That has helped me get in the right direction. I can hide the sheet
tabs and headers with code. But how could I hide the bult in menus? For
example "Files", I trying to make it user bullet proof if that makes
any sense. I have one custom menu that I would like to keep.

Thanks for your help

Did you try the code I provided? It should do exactly what you want.
FullScreen mode gets rid of all the toolbars. Then you can make any custom
toolbar that you want visible. And I've shown you how to hide the default
menu bar.

Actually you are right, I don't know what I was thinking.

Again, thanks for you time and help...
