Hide Datagrid paging when not needed


Logan McKinley

I have a datagrid that uses numeric paging and want to hide the paging when
it is not needed. Right now i only need paging 10% of the time or so and
the other 90% of the time there is a random 1 that confuses the users. Is
there any way to only show the paging when it is needed?
Thanks in advance,

Logan McKinley

this is the code that worked for me
if(((DataSet)dgTest.DataSource).Tables[0].Rows.Count < dgTest.PageSize)
dgTest.AllowPaging = false;


Logan you need some logic in an event like the itemdatabound event or

Get a row count each time the event fires. When it reaches the right
number do something like

DGName.PagerStyle.Visible = False

I haven't tried it but it seems pretty straight forward. You know what
the property is, and it's only a boolean. You can reset properties in
code behind at any event.


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