Hide command prompt

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I use a batch file on client machines to copy some files
to and from the server (They run them from a shortcut as
and when they want to)

When you execute the file, a black command prompt window
appears listing the files it is copying.

What I would like to know is can I 'hide' the command
propmt window.
I want to tidy up the process by getting the .bat file to
do it's stuff in the background..


I use a batch file on client machines to copy some files
to and from the server (They run them from a shortcut as
and when they want to)

When you execute the file, a black command prompt window
appears listing the files it is copying.

What I would like to know is can I 'hide' the command
propmt window.
I want to tidy up the process by getting the .bat file to
do it's stuff in the background..



If it's not sufficient to to change the shortcut to run
minimized or redirecting the output to nul,

I'd use cmdow from http://www.commandline.co.uk

cmdow @ /HID Hides the actual window
cmdow @ /vis Unhides.

Is there no way to hide the actual comand window without the use of third
party applications?
anonymous said:
Is there no way to hide the actual comand window without the use of third
party applications?

Run the batch from a scripting host script that runs the batch in a hidden

Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
cmd = "c:\bin\scripts\mybatch.cmd"
Return = WshShell.Run(cmd, 0, True)
set WshShell = Nothing

This assumes the batch doesn't open other console windows.
anonymous said:
Is there no way to hide the actual comand window without the use of third
party applications?
You still didn't state if you just want to minimize or really hide?
See "start /?"
Paul - thx that script works and I may use it but for now I want to do the
same thing in just NT command form.

Matthias - when I try the a simple test batch using the start /min as
START /MIN Rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks
this opens a new window minimized how can I get the test code seen above to
execute minimized or even hidden as was done with the script above?