Hide certain columns in range

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Hi All........
I have a Range named "Months" which is B25:AW25. Each cell in that range
contains a number of 1-12 standing for a month. I would like to be able to
hide all columns except the Month number I choose, and the one on each side
of it. For example, if I choose the month 7, then I want to hide all columns
except those with a 6,7, or 8 in my range. And of course if I choose month
1, I want all except 12, 1, and 2 to be hidden, etc.

TIA for any ideas
Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3
Are your month numbers in consecutive order through the range B25:AW25 like

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4...etc

Also, do you want all the month numbers you indicated to remain visible or
just the first one in the list of month numbers?
Hi Rick.........thanks for your interest.
My numbers are all in consecutive order, about eight years worth, but may
not contain all the months for each year. For instance, the first year
might show 1 ,2,3,6,7,9,12 and the second year might show 1,3,6,9,11, etc
etc. What they are are months in which I have had Blood Tests taken, and
they are not always the same each year. What I want to see is, if I select
2 according to my above date, I would expect to see all columns with 1,2,3
in row 25 from the first year and 1,3 from the second and all other columns
hidden. What I'm doing is charting this data and want to observe my
BloodTest readings for a particular time of the year to see if any of the
readings are seasonal. I'm therefore looking for columns with the specific
month numbers in them and not just the column next to the one of my
choice......I may even have data for two occasions in the same month...both
would have the same number in row 25.

Hope this helps
Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3
Try this macro (change the worksheet reference to your actual worksheet
name); it will ask you for the month value to process and then handle all
the necessary column hiding/unhiding as required ...

Sub HideColumns()
Dim X As Long, Answer As String
Answer = Application.InputBox("Which month number?", _
"Get Month Number", Type:=1)
If Answer < 1 Or Answer > 12 Then
MsgBox "Bad month number... run the macro again."
Exit Sub
End If
With Worksheets("Sheet6")
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
.Columns.Hidden = False
For X = 2 To 49
If .Cells(25, X).Value < Answer - 1 Or _
.Cells(25, X).Value > Answer + 1 Then
.Columns(X).Hidden = True
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End With
End Sub
Pretty awesome code, most cool..........many many thanks.

Any idea how to get it to "round the corner" and return January months for a
December selection and viceversa?

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3
Sorry, I forgot about your wrap-around requirement; try this macro

Sub HideColumns()
Dim X As Long, Answer As String, Test As String
Const Search As String = ",12,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,01,"
Answer = Application.InputBox("Which month number?", _
"Get Month Number", Type:=1)
If Answer < 1 Or Answer > 12 Then
MsgBox "Bad month number... run the macro again."
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo FixTheDisplay
With Worksheets("Sheet6")
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
.Columns.Hidden = False
Test = Mid(Search, InStr(4, Search, "," & _
Format$(Answer, "00") & ",") - 3, 10)
For X = 2 To 49
If InStr(Test, "," & Format(.Cells(25, _
X).Value & ",", "00")) = 0 Then
.Columns(X).Hidden = True
End If
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Fine, fine SuperFine Rick............

Besides being a good macro that does exactly what I want in this situation,
there's much I can learn from your code.....

many thanks Rick, I appreciate!

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3