Using the designer I am able to hide the caption bar (top bar), but
when returning from another application that was started by my
application, the caption bar reappears. Resetting the WindowState to
FormWindowState.Maximized when the Form regains focus changes nothing.
public partial class MainForm : Form {
protected override void OnGotFocus(System.EventArgs e) {
this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized;
This only happens when returning from other applications, not when
returning from other screens in the same application.
What can I do to always hide the caption bar?
Using the designer I am able to hide the caption bar (top bar), but
when returning from another application that was started by my
application, the caption bar reappears. Resetting the WindowState to
FormWindowState.Maximized when the Form regains focus changes nothing.
public partial class MainForm : Form {
protected override void OnGotFocus(System.EventArgs e) {
this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized;
This only happens when returning from other applications, not when
returning from other screens in the same application.
What can I do to always hide the caption bar?