Hi Gary,
From your descriptions, I am not very sure about what your want and what
your concerns are. Would you please show me some scenario? Detailed
information will get us closer to the resolutions
Based on my understanding, I think your concerns maybe the following
1. You could not know which form will be opened next so that you are not
sure where to insert that kind of codes.
If so, you could add the following codes in On Deactivate event in current
Me.Visible = False
2. You want to keep every form as hidden at the startup except one form
If so, you would find a selection in Tools -> Startup..
Deselect 'display database window' and choose the startup form in Display
3. If your concerns is there is so many forms to be added such kind of
codes, I am afraid that I don't think is better method we could provide now
and I am sorry for the inconvenience you may meet.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation. If you have any questions or
concerns, don't hesitate to let me know. We are here to be of assistance!
Sincerely yours,
Mingqing Cheng
Microsoft Online Support