Hibernet Problem



I have Windows XP Pro + SP 2 Installed on my LG Notbook and have Internet
Connectivity by Broadband using LAN on notbook. THis Internet Connetion is
always ON.

Whenever I close the notbook (not shut down, just closing of notbook i.e.
hibernet) and when I start it again, it ask for log-in password. After giving
passwords it starts immediately with all my open programs, documets as it is.
But in this time Internet Connections gets disconnected. If I have any
Internet Program running before then it gets disconnected i.e if any download
is pending then it gets paused.

Is there any way so that even after closing of notbook, internet does not
get disconnected and all my pending downloads are running and get completed.


Hello Rajesh to my knowledge hibernating a laptop puts it into the same state
as a shutdown. The only difference is open files programs etc are written to
the hard disk in the state they are in. This allows windows to resume much
faster as it only has to reload from one file. The point is to save the
battery as much as possible and as you would need your network card to stay
active to continue your internet session it would not be very efficent. The
only thing i can suggest is to put your laptop into standby mode instead of
Hibernate. Apart from that i dont believe there is any way of getting the
best of both worlds.

John Barnett MVP

Even on a desktop pc hibernating shuts down everything. All that happens
with hibernate is that it saves a copy of the current desktop etc to hard
drive, so anything you were doing prior to hibernation is there when you
start the pc again. All internet connectivity is cut off as soon as you

John Barnett MVP
Associate Expert

The information in this mail is supplied "as is". No warranty of any kind,
either expressed or implied, is made in relation to the accuracy,
reliability or content of this mail. The Author shall not be liable for any
direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use
of, or inability to use, information or opinions expressed in this mail..


Dear Joe ! Thanks for giving your time.

I have changed settings for my laptop as :

When I Close the LID of laptop - Standby
When I press Power Switch - Always Ask
When I press Sleep - Always Ask

Here also, if I close the LID of LAPTOP then my Network disconnects. Can you
further help me how to keep enable network of laptop on closing of LID so
that Internet will nto gets disconnect.


Dear Jhon ! Thanks for giving your time.

I have changed settings for my laptop as :

When I Close the LID of laptop - Standby
When I press Power Switch - Always Ask
When I press Sleep - Always Ask

Here also, if I close the LID of LAPTOP then my Network disconnects. Can you
further help me how to keep enable network of laptop on closing of LID so
that Internet will nto gets disconnect.


Hi again. There is one more thing to try.If you open the properties tab for
your network card from device manager. Look for a power tab. If you have one
ensure the allow this comnputer to turn of this device to save power tab is
not set. Apart from that i dont know of any other way.

I will keep looking but it would be helpful to have your laptop name and
model along with the Network card.


Hello everyone!
Can I join your descussion?
I tried to find the solving of my problem but failed. So, as you speak about
hibernation problems, I have a problem.
I have Windows XP Pro SP2 installed on several computers in a domain. Two of
them are laptops.
The users of laptops close the lids at the end of the working day and their
notebooks go into hibernate state. In the morning when they wake up their
notebooks, it takes them from 5 to 15!! minutes to wake up from hibernation!
That is too long! i know that this process must take not more than 2 minutes.
When I tried to close the lid on one of them and waited for an hour - then
opened it - the notebook woke up immediately, but after a night - it takes
again 5 - 15 minutes!
I thought that the problem is with laptops only, but then I tried to send
the PCs into hibernation for a night - the situation repeated!
I installed the same OS on a Standalone PC and tried the same thing -
everything is OK. The PC wakes up immediately.
May there be any problem with Group policy of our domain?

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