Hibernation without EWF

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EWF is needed only for HORM (Hibernate Once Resume Many) feature and not for
"normal" hibernation operation. So yes, if all you need is the generic
hibernation support in the image you don't need to have EWF.
so I added the power managment application componet and I can't be my OS to
create an hibernation file. I am using the Minlogon configuration. Any

Did you enable hibernation in the platforms computer components like ACPI
Do you have the right set of device drivers for your box that support full
power management (including hibernation)?
Do you have enough disk space to hold the hibernation file?

You need to select the "enable hibernation" option in your Computer
Component (i.e. ACPI Uniprocessor, etc.) for hibernation to work. Also,
there needs to be enough empty space in the boot partition to support the
total amount of RAM in the system.


Sean Liming
www.sjjmicro.com / www.seanliming.com
XP Embedded Book Author - XP Embedded Advanced, XP Embedded Supplemental

You may also want to add "Disk Dump Drivers" component to your Config.
Its visibility 200 so you may need to lower your TD min visibility settings.

Well here is my configuration. Advantech pcm9581 with all of the harddrives
from advantech.Also am using the ACPI Uniprocessor PC componet with the
hibernation enabled and set to Home/office Desk. My boot partition is 30gb

If I may ask, how exactly you put the system in hibernation state?
What command or API you are using? (btw, what Shell you are running?)

Could you also try "\windows\fba\fba -hibernate" command? Does it fail or succedd?

And what's happening when you launch xpepm? Does the system go to hibernated state or not?
Sorry, your first post " I can't be my OS to create an hibernation file" is not very clear to me and so I am trying to understand
what's really being seen on your side.

Try launching CMD instead. And from the command prompt window run the xpepm or fba -hibernate command and see if it outputs any
errors. (I'd rather do an API call from your custom shell and analyze the result code but it can be started with the CMD approach

Also, how XP Pro behave on your target? Are you able to put XP Pro there in standby and hibernate states?
It doesn't go into hibernated state. The OS doesn't have a hiber file like
it is supose to and when I run xpepm from the command prompt it gives me
error 1141, but no error when I run fba -hibernate from the command prompt.
XP pro does everything including hibernate.


Ah, I see.
Then here is the quesiton I should've asked at the first place. Did you make sure all the drivers got installed correctly on your

Use devcon tool of Microsoft (console version of Device Manager) to investigate. Also, please check out \windows\fba\fbalog.txt log
file to see if there were any driver/component install errors logged.
The most important item for you to look for would be the display driver.
There is no hibernation tab on the power management componet. No errors in
the FBA log. In the device manager it has an unknown device call LPC
interface controller.

Where else should I look?

Power management component never had the hibernation checkbox. Only HAL/PC [Standard PC, etc.) components have under Power
Management Settings section.

Are you sure you are using the right video driver on your XPe target?

As to LPC. You can add proper LPC component from XPe database that would work with your hardware. Meanwhile you can just copy the
isapnp.sys and machine.inf files from XPe repository or XP Pro system folders to your runtime under \windows\system32\drivers and
\windows\inf folders correspondently. Then you will need to reboot the target.

Please also make sure PnP (User mode) and PnP (kernel mode) components are in your config.

If all the above doesn't help, the right place to take a look at would be \windows\setupapi.log file where you'd be able to find
info about all driver install failures happened during and after FBA.


Both of the files that you mentioned in the previous post where included in
the image. I found a couple of failures.

#I140 Installing device class: "Display"
#E067 Could not locate section [ClassInstall32].
#E142 Class: {4D36E968-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}. Install failed.

I added the ClassInstaller Display adapters for this one.

#-166 Device install function: DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV.
#W059 Selecting best compatible driver failed. Error 0xe0000228: There are
no compatible drivers for this device.
#W157 Default installer failed

Don't know what this one is.

#W374 Digital signature verification was skipped for a file being registered
("C:\Program Files\Common Files\MSSoap\Binaries\wisc10.dll").
#E089 Failed to load the OLE Control "C:\Program Files\Common
Files\MSSoap\Binaries\wisc10.dll". Error 126: The specified module could not
be found.
#E291 Failed to register OLE server "C:\Program Files\Common
Files\MSSoap\Binaries\wisc10.dll". Error 126: The specified module could not
be found.

don' know these either

#E089 Failed to load the OLE Control "C:\WINDOWS\system32\autodisc.dll".
Error 126: The specified module could not be found.
#E291 Failed to register OLE server "C:\WINDOWS\system32\autodisc.dll".
Error 126: The specified module could not be found.
#-290 Processing REGISTERDLLS section [OleControlDlls]. Binary:
"%11%\shmedia.dll", flags: 0x0001, timeout: 60s.
#W374 Digital signature verification was skipped for a file being registered
#E089 Failed to load the OLE Control "C:\WINDOWS\system32\shmedia.dll".
Error 126: The specified module could not be found.
#E291 Failed to register OLE server "C:\WINDOWS\system32\shmedia.dll". Error
126: The specified module could not be found.

Add a lot of other dll failed to register as well.

KM said:

Forgot to mention that the error code 1141 is ERROR_SET_POWER_STATE_FAILED.

I am still wondering about the video driver and FBALog.txt on your target.
Any chance it has a string like the following: "FBAChangeDisplaySettings] Settings not found!" ?

It doesn't go into hibernated state. The OS doesn't have a hiber file like
it is supose to and when I run xpepm from the command prompt it gives me
error 1141, but no error when I run fba -hibernate from the command prompt.
XP pro does everything including hibernate.


Not surprising hibernation doesn't work for you. Your display driver never got installed on the target.

You not only need the class installer but also the proper display driver for the video card you are using on the target machine.
If you are not sure what's there either analyze TAP output or investigate it using Device Manager on XP Pro installation on the same

You will have to componentize that driver (I assume there is no database driver for that card otherwise it would be picked by the
TAP pmq import).

Errors around wisc.dll. Make sure you've got all the dependencies of "Soap Client Runtime" component resolved in your config.

Errors around autodisc.dll. This is a good one. Another Dll that is missing an owning component in the database. It is interesting
that this didn't get fixed even in coming FP2007.
I'd recommend you to copy that Dll manually to your runtime or create a component that will bring this file in your image (or use TD
Extra Files option).


Both of the files that you mentioned in the previous post where included in
the image. I found a couple of failures.

#I140 Installing device class: "Display"
#E067 Could not locate section [ClassInstall32].
#E142 Class: {4D36E968-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}. Install failed.

I added the ClassInstaller Display adapters for this one.

#-166 Device install function: DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV.
#W059 Selecting best compatible driver failed. Error 0xe0000228: There are
no compatible drivers for this device.
#W157 Default installer failed

Don't know what this one is.

#W374 Digital signature verification was skipped for a file being registered
("C:\Program Files\Common Files\MSSoap\Binaries\wisc10.dll").
#E089 Failed to load the OLE Control "C:\Program Files\Common
Files\MSSoap\Binaries\wisc10.dll". Error 126: The specified module could not
be found.
#E291 Failed to register OLE server "C:\Program Files\Common
Files\MSSoap\Binaries\wisc10.dll". Error 126: The specified module could not
be found.

don' know these either

#E089 Failed to load the OLE Control "C:\WINDOWS\system32\autodisc.dll".
Error 126: The specified module could not be found.
#E291 Failed to register OLE server "C:\WINDOWS\system32\autodisc.dll".
Error 126: The specified module could not be found.
#-290 Processing REGISTERDLLS section [OleControlDlls]. Binary:
"%11%\shmedia.dll", flags: 0x0001, timeout: 60s.
#W374 Digital signature verification was skipped for a file being registered
#E089 Failed to load the OLE Control "C:\WINDOWS\system32\shmedia.dll".
Error 126: The specified module could not be found.
#E291 Failed to register OLE server "C:\WINDOWS\system32\shmedia.dll". Error
126: The specified module could not be found.

Add a lot of other dll failed to register as well.

KM said:

Forgot to mention that the error code 1141 is ERROR_SET_POWER_STATE_FAILED.

I am still wondering about the video driver and FBALog.txt on your target.
Any chance it has a string like the following: "FBAChangeDisplaySettings] Settings not found!" ?

It doesn't go into hibernated state. The OS doesn't have a hiber file like
it is supose to and when I run xpepm from the command prompt it gives me
error 1141, but no error when I run fba -hibernate from the command prompt.
XP pro does everything including hibernate.




And what's happening when you launch xpepm? Does the system go to hibernated state or not?
Sorry, your first post " I can't be my OS to create an hibernation file" is not very clear to me and so I am trying to
what's really being seen on your side.

Try launching CMD instead. And from the command prompt window run the xpepm or fba -hibernate command and see if it outputs
errors. (I'd rather do an API call from your custom shell and analyze the result code but it can be started with the CMD

Also, how XP Pro behave on your target? Are you able to put XP Pro there in standby and hibernate states?


I am using the xpepm -hibernate. I am also running minlogon with a custom



If I may ask, how exactly you put the system in hibernation state?
What command or API you are using? (btw, what Shell you are running?)

Could you also try "\windows\fba\fba -hibernate" command? Does it fail or succedd?


adding the disk dump manager didn't work. Any other ideas?



Well here is my configuration. Advantech pcm9581 with all of the harddrives
from advantech.Also am using the ACPI Uniprocessor PC componet with the
hibernation enabled and set to Home/office Desk. My boot partition is 30gb
on a harddrive. I will be adding the disk dump componet today. Thanks for
the help


You need to select the "enable hibernation" option in your Computer
Component (i.e. ACPI Uniprocessor, etc.) for hibernation to work. Also,
there needs to be enough empty space in the boot partition to support the
total amount of RAM in the system.


Sean Liming
www.sjjmicro.com / www.seanliming.com
XP Embedded Book Author - XP Embedded Advanced, XP Embedded Supplemental

so I added the power managment application componet and I can't be my OS
create an hibernation file. I am using the Minlogon configuration. Any



EWF is needed only for HORM (Hibernate Once Resume Many) feature and not
"normal" hibernation operation. So yes, if all you need is the generic
hibernation support in the image you don't need to have EWF.

Is is possible to enable hiberantion without the EWF componet
I added the display class installer and now it works. I had the componet in
for the display adapter this whole time. I thought it would have pulled in
the installer.

thanks for the help

KM said:

Not surprising hibernation doesn't work for you. Your display driver never got installed on the target.

You not only need the class installer but also the proper display driver for the video card you are using on the target machine.
If you are not sure what's there either analyze TAP output or investigate it using Device Manager on XP Pro installation on the same

You will have to componentize that driver (I assume there is no database driver for that card otherwise it would be picked by the
TAP pmq import).

Errors around wisc.dll. Make sure you've got all the dependencies of "Soap Client Runtime" component resolved in your config.

Errors around autodisc.dll. This is a good one. Another Dll that is missing an owning component in the database. It is interesting
that this didn't get fixed even in coming FP2007.
I'd recommend you to copy that Dll manually to your runtime or create a component that will bring this file in your image (or use TD
Extra Files option).


Both of the files that you mentioned in the previous post where included in
the image. I found a couple of failures.

#I140 Installing device class: "Display"
#E067 Could not locate section [ClassInstall32].
#E142 Class: {4D36E968-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}. Install failed.

I added the ClassInstaller Display adapters for this one.

#-166 Device install function: DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV.
#W059 Selecting best compatible driver failed. Error 0xe0000228: There are
no compatible drivers for this device.
#W157 Default installer failed

Don't know what this one is.

#W374 Digital signature verification was skipped for a file being registered
("C:\Program Files\Common Files\MSSoap\Binaries\wisc10.dll").
#E089 Failed to load the OLE Control "C:\Program Files\Common
Files\MSSoap\Binaries\wisc10.dll". Error 126: The specified module could not
be found.
#E291 Failed to register OLE server "C:\Program Files\Common
Files\MSSoap\Binaries\wisc10.dll". Error 126: The specified module could not
be found.

don' know these either

#E089 Failed to load the OLE Control "C:\WINDOWS\system32\autodisc.dll".
Error 126: The specified module could not be found.
#E291 Failed to register OLE server "C:\WINDOWS\system32\autodisc.dll".
Error 126: The specified module could not be found.
#-290 Processing REGISTERDLLS section [OleControlDlls]. Binary:
"%11%\shmedia.dll", flags: 0x0001, timeout: 60s.
#W374 Digital signature verification was skipped for a file being registered
#E089 Failed to load the OLE Control "C:\WINDOWS\system32\shmedia.dll".
Error 126: The specified module could not be found.
#E291 Failed to register OLE server "C:\WINDOWS\system32\shmedia.dll". Error
126: The specified module could not be found.

Add a lot of other dll failed to register as well.

KM said:

Forgot to mention that the error code 1141 is ERROR_SET_POWER_STATE_FAILED.

I am still wondering about the video driver and FBALog.txt on your target.
Any chance it has a string like the following: "FBAChangeDisplaySettings] Settings not found!" ?


It doesn't go into hibernated state. The OS doesn't have a hiber file like
it is supose to and when I run xpepm from the command prompt it gives me
error 1141, but no error when I run fba -hibernate from the command prompt.
XP pro does everything including hibernate.




And what's happening when you launch xpepm? Does the system go to hibernated state or not?
Sorry, your first post " I can't be my OS to create an hibernation file" is not very clear to me and so I am trying to
what's really being seen on your side.

Try launching CMD instead. And from the command prompt window run the xpepm or fba -hibernate command and see if it outputs
errors. (I'd rather do an API call from your custom shell and analyze the result code but it can be started with the CMD

Also, how XP Pro behave on your target? Are you able to put XP Pro there in standby and hibernate states?


I am using the xpepm -hibernate. I am also running minlogon with a custom



If I may ask, how exactly you put the system in hibernation state?
What command or API you are using? (btw, what Shell you are running?)

Could you also try "\windows\fba\fba -hibernate" command? Does it fail or succedd?


adding the disk dump manager didn't work. Any other ideas?



Well here is my configuration. Advantech pcm9581 with all of the harddrives
from advantech.Also am using the ACPI Uniprocessor PC componet with the
hibernation enabled and set to Home/office Desk. My boot partition is 30gb
on a harddrive. I will be adding the disk dump componet today. Thanks for
the help


You need to select the "enable hibernation" option in your Computer
Component (i.e. ACPI Uniprocessor, etc.) for hibernation to work. Also,
there needs to be enough empty space in the boot partition to support the
total amount of RAM in the system.


Sean Liming
www.sjjmicro.com / www.seanliming.com
XP Embedded Book Author - XP Embedded Advanced, XP Embedded Supplemental

so I added the power managment application componet and I can't be my OS
create an hibernation file. I am using the Minlogon configuration. Any



EWF is needed only for HORM (Hibernate Once Resume Many) feature and not
"normal" hibernation operation. So yes, if all you need is the generic
hibernation support in the image you don't need to have EWF.

Is is possible to enable hiberantion without the EWF componet