You should never eliminate your pagefile, even if you don't need it supplementing your RAM. The reason being is many developers of applications assume it is there and have been known to make use of it. I would recommend if you have over 2GB of RAM and want to reduce your page file, to set it at something small, like 8MB or smaller (however, the denominations for the size is in MB, and so if you want to be minimalistic, leave it at 1). I have 2GB of RAM on my laptop, but I still allocate a gig for my pagefile. If you want to use a pagefile and still want to get a performance boost, setting your pagefile for your fastest hard-drive is recommended (not a slow storage drive).
Increase or Decrease Desktop Icon Size in just a click (TY and Rep Trebuin)
Its nice every now and then to find a neat little trick that you never knew. This is the case with this appearance tweak which allows you to increase or decrease the size of your desktop icons.......Read more
Reduce or Eliminate the Size of Your Disk Cache
By default, Vista utilizes several gigabytes of hard disk space with a file called pagefile.sys in your root drive. Through some time and patience, Vista users with 2 or more gigabytes of ram will be able to gain a great deal of that much needed space back and increase performance by slowly reducing the 'pagefile' or disk cache, or even eliminating it........Read more
Clean System Restore and Eliminate Shadow Copies
If, after careful consideration, you elected to leave System Restore on and pass on Tip #15, there is another great little trick to save space. It is common for new users to write the forums stating that their disk space is dissappearing and they don't know why. By default, System Restore will save a copy of your current desktop on regularly scheduled intervals, whenever something new is installed and also if an error or update occurs with the system. The results in alot of GB of needless backups remaining for no reason. Also, shadow copies of programs are created on expansion after installation, many of which remain their needlessly.
To get there, follow: Start/Computer/Right Click On 'C'/Disk CleanUp/More Options/System Restore and Shadow Copies/Clean Up
You can check the space on your drive after this and be amazed!
Delete Unnecessary Files and Directories
After installation of the Vista environment either by Microsoft or the manufacturer, there are several files that are large in size and left after the fact that simply are not needed. I will detail a few below but please, as always, tread carefully. I would always advise to make a backup of the files and directories your about to delete.