Does anybody know if we can play these formats with WMP9
yet? Also, will we be able to create DRM-enabled copies?
yet? Also, will we be able to create DRM-enabled copies?
yet? Also, will we be able to create DRM-enabled copies?
Your drive would have to support this, as the laser used is different than a
regular DVD or CD laser. I have no idea if there are any drives that do
support this, though. Also, to take advantage, you would need a 5.1 system
set up (either running through a receiver or have a 5.1 system connected
directly to your computer).
BTW, I just picked up Dark Side of the Moon on SACD. Sounds better than a
regular CD in a standard CD player. Knocks your socks off in surround sound.
Hands down the best audio experience I've ever had.
-----Original Message-----
Does anybody know if we can play these formats with WMP9
yet? Also, will we be able to create DRM-enabled copies?
Audigy 2 sound card. SACDs would require a special drive, unfortunately. I
prefer SACD.
Galley, are you sure about this? I'm sure that there has to be some DVD
drive that will play DVD-A, but any standard DVD drive? If this is the case,
then why don't all stand-alone DVD players play DVD-A? Most new ones do, but
by no means all.
I've only heard DVD-A once, but from my Dark Side of the Moon experience, I
prefer SACD too.