i have opened a new work book, within the book there are 7 sheets (mon,
tue,wed etc) on each sheet i have in my first row 12 individual names and my
first column is times (8.00am every fifteen minutes to 10pm) on the bottom
row i have total of hours used in that particular day - eg mon 8.30am -
2.30pm = 6 hours
i would like to open an eighth sheet that would total all hours for the week
for me!! sounds easy doesnt it!! does it? i am lost ..... if anyone could
help that would be great and save me a lot of time away from the calculator
tue,wed etc) on each sheet i have in my first row 12 individual names and my
first column is times (8.00am every fifteen minutes to 10pm) on the bottom
row i have total of hours used in that particular day - eg mon 8.30am -
2.30pm = 6 hours
i would like to open an eighth sheet that would total all hours for the week
for me!! sounds easy doesnt it!! does it? i am lost ..... if anyone could
help that would be great and save me a lot of time away from the calculator