Hi Everyone

Aug 5, 2006
Reaction score
hey everyone, i just joined these forums a couple of minutes ago and would like to be a part of the community! i am only 12, but i hope to not be a whiney little kid on these forums like (if there are) any other kids around here... if you are wondering about my computer, i have been saving up money since who knows when from chores and cleaning my uncles office and had a lot of money and interest in my bank account, so that is how i got it. :)
Hi thanksmisfortune
- welcome to the forums

No problem with being 12 mate, I was that age once - but can't seem to remember it now!
No whiney kids here......unless you count feckit

*only joking dude* :D
Hi and welcome to the forums :thumb: enjor your stay!

how about thinking on joining our crunching team? you get to help research deseases and be part of the pcreview team :D just head over to crunchers corner for more info.
i made a new signature... check it out. :) i was originally going to have a gradient with scan lines, but it looked ugly.
Hi TN :wave:

Good to meet you, don't worry about the age thing, that's the beauty of forums, you get to know people on the basis of who you are, what you say & do, without the 'first impression' biases that go along with visual info.
So welcome & join in :wave: