Hi again, but with problems.

Captain Jack Sparrow

Jul 1, 2007
Reaction score
Sorry I haven't been round for 1/2 a year. Now I have had to reinstall Windows thanks to MCafee letting a virus in and killing my PC, I lost the WCG Crunch program. I also lost my logon details as my PC review crew 2. Is there anything I can do?
If you can rember your email address for WCG log in to WCG & see if they can email you your details for log in details?
I assume you know what your WCG member name is?

Go to the WCG Password Recovery utility HERE and they will send it to the email address you used :thumb:
I tried. I can't crunch anymore because the email used, I haven been in for half a year, I cant access it anymore :(:( :(
What was your WCG username on the team?

We may be able to send an email to WCG support and get them to send your old password to your new email address - if not you will just have to set up another user account I'm afraid.