Hey Guys, This is Wierd . . .

  • Thread starter Thread starter dcdon
  • Start date Start date


Your not going to believe this. As if I wasn't paranoid enough already.

I've suspected something is one of my boxes for quite a while, but have been
able to find anything.

This is brand new quirk; one an open site in Internet Explorer, the
horizontal scrollbar pops onto the bottom of the window at approximately 2/3
point and slowly runs to the right until it pops off as the whole page is
showing. I looked at the source code, but it doesn't have any script that I
can see to cause this. And this is the kind of thing a juvenille would think

This has gone from the cable modem showing much more load to the Virtual
Memory having to be recreated a half dozen times to the Event Viewers being
corrupt and jacking with them and a few other things that made me think
something slipped into the back of the unit, but could never find anything.
Dave Patrick said to go ahead and blow it off and reload. But, it is like
the testosterone thing. just don't want to think I can't finally find out
who, if anyone, is jacking with this, or they have programmed a series of
little things to happen over time. This last one looks like it could be a
script someone stuck in the website, but I don't think so. C O M M E N T S
? ?

Just in case you want to look the source is: http://www.flash.net/~hesler/

And the HTML code I have is:


<title>The Short Term Stock Selector</title>
<meta name="description" content="This site generates free neural network
stock market predictions. Buy, sell and hold recommendations are made each
market day at noon central time. An updated history of all trades is posted
for your inspection. We also feature stock quotes and graphs available with
one mouse click!">

<meta name="keywords" content="nasdaq, small cap, smallcap, small cap,
smallcap, small-cap, stocks, stock, directory, list, company, small
capitalization, microcap, microcap, micro cap, micro-cap, penny stock,
penny, invest, investor, investing, investment, otc bulletin board, public
company, ipo, ipos, initial public offering, stock quotes, quotes, resource,
discount broker, sec filing, emerging growth, over the counter, speculative,
new issue, listing, new stock, research reports, research, mutual fund,
delist, listing requirement, press release, guide, beginner, news, index,
nasdaq, stock, Nasdaq, stock, NASDAQ, stock, NYSE, nasdaq, nasdaq, quotes,
quotes, quotes, market, technical, fundamental, money, mutual, fund, mutual
fund, analysis, neural, network, bond, advisor, news, letter, index, Dow,
S&P, chart, graph, short, term">

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2">
<!-- Original: Ernst Straka ([email protected]) -->
<!-- Web Site: http://www.rs-systems.at/straka -->

<!-- This script and many more are available free online at -->
<!-- The JavaScript Source!! http://javascript.internet.com -->

<!-- Begin
var l1 = 0; // left of ticker in pixel, or 0 to position relative
var t1 = 0; // top of ticker in pixel, or 0 to position relative
var w1 = 400; // width of ticker in pixel
var ie = document.all ? true : false;
var first = true;
var l2 = l1 + w1;
var l3 = l1 - l2;
var l = l2;
function tickinit() {
if (ie) {
if (l1 == 0 && t1 == 0) {
pos = document.all['tickpos'];
l1 = getLeft(pos);
t1 = getTop(pos);
ticktext.style.posTop = t1;
else {
if (l1 == 0 && t1 == 0) {
pos = document.anchors['tickpos'];
l1 = pos.x;
t1 = pos.y;
document.ticktext.pageY = t1;
l2 = l1 + w1;
l3 = l1 - l2;
l = l2;
setInterval('tick()', 1);
function getLeft(ll) {
if (ll.offsetParent)
return (ll.offsetLeft + getLeft(ll.offsetParent));
return (ll.offsetLeft);
function getTop(ll) {
if (ll.offsetParent)
return (ll.offsetTop + getTop(ll.offsetParent));
return (ll.offsetTop);
function tick() {
l = l - 0.5;
if (l < l3) l = l2;
cl = l1 - l;
cr = l2 - l;
if (ie) {
ticktext.style.posLeft = l;
ticktext.style.posTop = t1;
ticktext.style.clip = "rect(auto "+cr+"px auto "+cl+"px)";
if (first) ticktext.style.visibility = "visible";
else {
document.ticktext.pageX = l;
document.ticktext.clip.left = cl;
document.ticktext.clip.right = cr;
if (first) document.ticktext.visibility = "show";
first = false;
// End -->

<BODY OnLoad="tickinit()" bgcolor="#ffffff"text="#000000"alink="#00e198"
link="#ob00ae" vlink="#0000ff">

<img align=bottom src="http://www.flash.net/~hesler/STSSlogo.gif" ALT="The
Short Term Stock Selector" width=378 height=229><p>
p;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a name="tickpos">&nbsp;</a>
<div id="ticktext"
"><nobr>Swing Trading at it's Best... Clear Buy/Sell Signals... Full
Historical Trade Discloser... Free Trial Offer...</nobr>
Free neural network stock recommendations for next day trading posted around
7 PM Eastern Time, the last update occurred on<br>

Thursday, October 02,2003, 07:12PM EDT<p>


<strong><font size = +3>Current Record on Our Closed
Positions</font></strong><br><font size = -1>(Our Disclaimer - Past
performance doesn't guarantee future results)</font><p>

<table border=1 width=600>
<tr><th COLSPAN=11><font color="blue" size=5>Complete Trading History...
Exactly 16082 Trades Completed</font><br>
Trading statistics since The Short Term Stock Selector inception: 4/11/96
through 10/2/03<br>
Definition: ROI = Return On Investment

<tr><th ALIGN = "left" ROWSPAN=2><font size =-1>Our neural network rates its
picks "A", "B", "C", "D" or "E" before positions are opened. Theoretically,
"A" picks have the highest probability of success and "E" picks the
lowest.</font><th COLSPAN=2><font size =-1 color="maroon">"A" Picks...
Annual ROI =</font><br><font size=-1 color="green">45%</font><th
COLSPAN=2><font size =-1 color="maroon">"B" Picks... Annual ROI
=</font><br><font size=-1 color="green">3%</font>
<th COLSPAN=2><font size =-1 color="maroon">"C" Picks... Annual ROI
=</font><br><font size=-1 color="green">2%</font><th COLSPAN=2><font size
=-1 color="maroon">"D" Picks... Annual ROI =</font><br><font size=-1
color="red">-4%</font><th COLSPAN=2><font size =-1 color="maroon">"E"
Picks... Annual ROI =</font><br><font size=-1 color="red">-4%</font>
<tr><th><font size = -1>Trades</font><th><font size = -1>%</font><th><font
size = -1>Trades</font><th><font size = -1>%</font><th><font size
= -1>Trades</font><th><font size = -1>%</font><th><font size
= -1>Trades</font><th><font size = -1>%</font><th><font size
= -1>Trades</font><th><font size = -1>%</font>

<tr><th ALIGN = "left"><font size = -1>Winners</font><th><font size
= -1>4608</font><th><font size = -1>66.3%</font><th><font size
= -1>1338</font><th><font size = -1>61.8%</font><th><font size
= -1>1290</font><th><font size = -1>62.7%</font><th><font size
= -1>1161</font><th><font size = -1>62.3%</font><th><font size
= -1>1888</font><th><font size = -1>62%</font>
<tr><th ALIGN = "left"><font size = -1>Losers</font><th><font size
= -1>2254</font><th><font size = -1>32.4%</font><th><font size
= -1>794</font><th><font size = -1>36.7%</font><th><font size
= -1>746</font><th><font size = -1>36.3%</font><th><font size
= -1>673</font><th><font size = -1>36.1%</font><th><font size
= -1>1111</font><th><font size = -1>36.5%</font>
<tr><th ALIGN = "left"><font size = -1>Broke Even</font><th><font size
= -1>90</font><th><font size = -1>1.3%</font><th><font size
= -1>34</font><th><font size = -1>1.6%</font><th><font size
= -1>20</font><th><font size = -1>1%</font><th><font size
= -1>31</font><th><font size = -1>1.7%</font><th><font size
= -1>44</font><th><font size = -1>1.4%</font>
<tr><th ALIGN = "left"><font size = -1>Totals</font><th><font size
= -1>6952</font><th><font size = -1>100%</font><th><font size
= -1>2166</font><th><font size = -1>100%</font><th><font size
= -1>2056</font><th><font size = -1>100%</font><th><font size
= -1>1865</font><th><font size = -1>100%</font><th><font size
= -1>3043</font><th><font size = -1>100%</font>

<tr><th COLSPAN=11><font color="blue" size=5>The Last 52 Weeks</font><br>"A"
Picks vs. S&P 500 trading statistics for the last 52 weeks: 10/3/02 through
<tr><th COLSPAN=5> "A" Picks Annual ROI = <font color
="green">79.18%</font><th COLSPAN=6> S&P 500 Annual ROI = <font color
<tr><th COLSPAN=5 ALIGN = "left"><A
HREF="http://home.flash.net/~hesler/52week.htm">Number of "A" Trades:
1244</A><br>Average Profit per Trade: 1.514%<br>Average Holding Period:
6.493 Market Days
<th COLSPAN=6 ALIGN = "left">S&P 500 close on 10/3/02: 818.95<br>S&P 500
close on 10/2/03: 1020.24

<font size = 3, family = verdana>


<strong>Question</strong>. I would like to know what your neural networks
think about this particular stock, <strong>SHAW GROUP

<strong>The Short Answer</strong> - Sorry, we can't help you on this

<strong>The Long Answer</strong> - This is a very special question because
the answer reveals deep insight into what our system is all about.<p>

Though our neural nets consider many factors associated with a particular
stock they don't really come up with an opinion about the stock. Our neural
nets come up with an opinion about how the stock will trade in the short

Only about one investor out of a thousand has ever thought about a statement
such as the above. Even after they read it most investors will not see much
difference between an opinion about a stock and an opinion on how it will
trade. This is what makes <strong>The Short Term Stock Selector</strong>
unique and different from other stock selection services. It is also why the
Annual Return On Investment (ROI) on our "A" picks is so high. Our neural
networks do not evaluate stocks, they evaluate potential trades. A great
stock like Intel can be ready to take a minor downturn. Twenty analysts will
most probably have a STRONG BUY rating on it and it will still take the
downturn. A weak stock like Bethlehem Steel can be ready to make a small
gain. Twenty analysts will have a SELL rating on it and it will still make a
small gain. Furthermore, our neural networks only evaluate potential trades
at very specific points in time. Also, the universe of stocks in the
database they screen is limited by design and <strong>SHAW GROUP
(NYSE:SGR)</strong> isn't in their universe. One gets the impression that
our system is pretty darn picky and not very versatile, one would be

Hopefully, you might one day send me an email like the following which I
received from Chris Blair. Chris has used our system for many years. FYI,
before 7/26/1997 we only posted "A" picks on the website. We now post "A"
through "E" picks to confuse the issue so we can charge for our premium
service <a href="http://www.flash.net/~hesler/signup4.htm">The Early Bird

I've been using your service since the very early days (way before "A-E"
picks) and have found it to be the best of it's kind on the net. Like many,
I use your service in concert with other techniques I've gotten comfortable
with and have consistently out-performed the market. I may have actually
been better off just doing what you recommend but I'm quite happy with the
results anyway. I especially like the <a
href="http://home.flash.net/~hesler/screens.htm">"studies"</a> you present
on the historical recommendations. The most recent data on how the nets fair
and the number of times the stocks are recommended is extremely valuable to

Anyway, as a long term user of The Short Term Stock Selector I remain a very
happy subscriber. Keep up the great work!<p>

Many of our Early Birds, like Chris, are extremely sophisticated. They use
our extensive Trade History to develop their own stock screens and
proprietary indicators to improve their trading performance. On the other
hand, most of our subscribers are average investors who find the system easy
to follow and use.<p>

Many who comment about the subject matter on our site call it fascinating.
If you spend the time evaluating it maybe you'll think so also.<p>
Best regards,<br>
Robert Hesler<br>
Webmaster/Neural Network Designer


<strong><font size = +3>Website Index</font></strong><br>
First time visitors should spend a few minutes reading the <a
href="overview.htm">System Overview</a> section.<p>

<font size=4>

<a href="picks.htm"><strong>Tomorrow's Free Picks </strong></a> - free
neural network stock recommendations for next day trading, posted around 7
PM Eastern Time<br>

<!-- <a href="http://www.flash.net/~hesler/pass/9pm.htm"><strong>The Early
Bird Club</strong></a> - our premium service - <a
href="http://www.flash.net/~hesler/signup4.htm">Information</a><br> -->

<b>The Early Bird Club (<a
href="http://www.flash.net/~hesler/pass/9pm.htm">Member Log In</a>)</b>...
Two Week<b> <a href="http://www.flash.net/~hesler/signup4.htm">Free
Trial</a></b> to our Premium Service<br>

<a href="past.htm"><strong>Trading History</strong></a> - the details of
each closed trade<br>

<a href="screens.htm"><strong>Trading History Screens</strong></a> - improve
your trading performance</a><br>

<a href="sandp.htm"><strong>S&P 500 Probabilities</strong></a> - discover
what this index is likely to do in the near future<br>

<a href="overview.htm"><strong>System Overview</strong></a> - an
explanation of the trading system<br>

<a href="open.htm"><strong>Buying and Selling</strong></a> -
recommendations on how to place your stock orders<br>

<a href="quest.htm"><strong>Frequently Asked Questions</strong></a> - most
everything you'll want to know<br>

<a href="birthday.htm"><strong>Birthday Statistics</strong></a> - check the
neural network's performance against the S&P 500<br>

tock+Selector"><IMG ALIGN=top SRC="http://www.flash.net/~hesler/visit.gif"
border=0 HEIGHT=19 WIDTH=41 ALT="visit"></A> <strong>Financial Sites of
Interest</strong> - see what other financial sites offer<br>

elector"><IMG ALIGN=top SRC="http://www.flash.net/~hesler/visit.gif"
border=0 HEIGHT=19 WIDTH=41 ALT="visit"></A><strong> Fat's Financial
Directory</strong> - search a database of financial websites<br>

<a href="stsspriv.htm"><strong>Our Privacy Statement</strong></a> - will we
sell your vital statistics?<br>

<a href="mailto:[email protected]"><strong>Questions &
Comments</strong></a> - tell us what you think about our site - <a
href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><br>

<!-- <a
<IMG SRC="ibd.gif" ALT="IBD" HEIGHT=82 WIDTH=125 ALIGN=LEFT border=0>
<font size = -1>If you haven't tried IBD you ought to get their two week <a
e subscription</b></a>
and check it out. One feature which I really like are the ads! All the data
vendors, discount brokers and software suppliers advertise in IBD. Its a
great source for discovering the latest financial bells and
whistles.<br><br><br><br> -->

<a href=http://www.adtrader.com/ads/adlink.asp?SN=4>
e=291 width="468" height="60" border="1" alt="FAT"></a><br>
<a href="http://www.adtrader.com" TARGET="_top">
<img src="http://www.adtrader.com/ads/admark.asp?SN=4"
width="468" height="18" border="0" alt="The Financial Ad Trader"></a>


Sorry, my fault...
False alarm.
That was script for the Marquee causing it. But all the strange stuff, and
the trading have gotten the better of me for now. It's like Potergiest in
the Market. One head fake after the next. The strong hands are tryibg their
best to shake as many retailers as they can right now, being first week of

sorry about that,

Your not going to believe this. As if I wasn't paranoid enough already.

I've suspected something is one of my boxes for quite a while, but have been
able to find anything.

This is brand new quirk; one an open site in Internet Explorer, the
horizontal scrollbar pops onto the bottom of the window at approximately 2/3
point and slowly runs to the right until it pops off as the whole page is
showing. I looked at the source code, but it doesn't have any script that I
can see to cause this. And this is the kind of thing a juvenille would think

This has gone from the cable modem showing much more load to the Virtual
Memory having to be recreated a half dozen times to the Event Viewers being
corrupt and jacking with them and a few other things that made me think
something slipped into the back of the unit, but could never find anything.
Dave Patrick said to go ahead and blow it off and reload. But, it is like
the testosterone thing. just don't want to think I can't finally find out
who, if anyone, is jacking with this, or they have programmed a series of
little things to happen over time. This last one looks like it could be a
script someone stuck in the website, but I don't think so. C O M M E N T S
? ?

Just in case you want to look the source is: http://www.flash.net/~hesler/

And the HTML code I have is:


<title>The Short Term Stock Selector</title>
<meta name="description" content="This site generates free neural network
stock market predictions. Buy, sell and hold recommendations are made each
market day at noon central time. An updated history of all trades is posted
for your inspection. We also feature stock quotes and graphs available with
one mouse click!">

<meta name="keywords" content="nasdaq, small cap, smallcap, small cap,
smallcap, small-cap, stocks, stock, directory, list, company, small
capitalization, microcap, microcap, micro cap, micro-cap, penny stock,
penny, invest, investor, investing, investment, otc bulletin board, public
company, ipo, ipos, initial public offering, stock quotes, quotes, resource,
discount broker, sec filing, emerging growth, over the counter, speculative,
new issue, listing, new stock, research reports, research, mutual fund,
delist, listing requirement, press release, guide, beginner, news, index,
nasdaq, stock, Nasdaq, stock, NASDAQ, stock, NYSE, nasdaq, nasdaq, quotes,
quotes, quotes, market, technical, fundamental, money, mutual, fund, mutual
fund, analysis, neural, network, bond, advisor, news, letter, index, Dow,
S&P, chart, graph, short, term">

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2">
<!-- Original: Ernst Straka ([email protected]) -->
<!-- Web Site: http://www.rs-systems.at/straka -->

<!-- This script and many more are available free online at -->
<!-- The JavaScript Source!! http://javascript.internet.com -->

<!-- Begin
var l1 = 0; // left of ticker in pixel, or 0 to position relative
var t1 = 0; // top of ticker in pixel, or 0 to position relative
var w1 = 400; // width of ticker in pixel
var ie = document.all ? true : false;
var first = true;
var l2 = l1 + w1;
var l3 = l1 - l2;
var l = l2;
function tickinit() {
if (ie) {
if (l1 == 0 && t1 == 0) {
pos = document.all['tickpos'];
l1 = getLeft(pos);
t1 = getTop(pos);
ticktext.style.posTop = t1;
else {
if (l1 == 0 && t1 == 0) {
pos = document.anchors['tickpos'];
l1 = pos.x;
t1 = pos.y;
document.ticktext.pageY = t1;
l2 = l1 + w1;
l3 = l1 - l2;
l = l2;
setInterval('tick()', 1);
function getLeft(ll) {
if (ll.offsetParent)
return (ll.offsetLeft + getLeft(ll.offsetParent));
return (ll.offsetLeft);
function getTop(ll) {
if (ll.offsetParent)
return (ll.offsetTop + getTop(ll.offsetParent));
return (ll.offsetTop);
function tick() {
l = l - 0.5;
if (l < l3) l = l2;
cl = l1 - l;
cr = l2 - l;
if (ie) {
ticktext.style.posLeft = l;
ticktext.style.posTop = t1;
ticktext.style.clip = "rect(auto "+cr+"px auto "+cl+"px)";
if (first) ticktext.style.visibility = "visible";
else {
document.ticktext.pageX = l;
document.ticktext.clip.left = cl;
document.ticktext.clip.right = cr;
if (first) document.ticktext.visibility = "show";
first = false;
// End -->

<BODY OnLoad="tickinit()" bgcolor="#ffffff"text="#000000"alink="#00e198"
link="#ob00ae" vlink="#0000ff">

<img align=bottom src="http://www.flash.net/~hesler/STSSlogo.gif" ALT="The
Short Term Stock Selector" width=378 height=229><p>
p;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a name="tickpos">&nbsp;</a>
<div id="ticktext"
"><nobr>Swing Trading at it's Best... Clear Buy/Sell Signals... Full
Historical Trade Discloser... Free Trial Offer...</nobr>
Free neural network stock recommendations for next day trading posted around
7 PM Eastern Time, the last update occurred on<br>

Thursday, October 02,2003, 07:12PM EDT<p>


<strong><font size = +3>Current Record on Our Closed
Positions</font></strong><br><font size = -1>(Our Disclaimer - Past
performance doesn't guarantee future results)</font><p>

<table border=1 width=600>
<tr><th COLSPAN=11><font color="blue" size=5>Complete Trading History...
Exactly 16082 Trades Completed</font><br>
Trading statistics since The Short Term Stock Selector inception: 4/11/96
through 10/2/03<br>
Definition: ROI = Return On Investment

<tr><th ALIGN = "left" ROWSPAN=2><font size =-1>Our neural network rates its
picks "A", "B", "C", "D" or "E" before positions are opened. Theoretically,
"A" picks have the highest probability of success and "E" picks the
lowest.</font><th COLSPAN=2><font size =-1 color="maroon">"A" Picks...
Annual ROI =</font><br><font size=-1 color="green">45%</font><th
COLSPAN=2><font size =-1 color="maroon">"B" Picks... Annual ROI
=</font><br><font size=-1 color="green">3%</font>
<th COLSPAN=2><font size =-1 color="maroon">"C" Picks... Annual ROI
=</font><br><font size=-1 color="green">2%</font><th COLSPAN=2><font size
=-1 color="maroon">"D" Picks... Annual ROI =</font><br><font size=-1
color="red">-4%</font><th COLSPAN=2><font size =-1 color="maroon">"E"
Picks... Annual ROI =</font><br><font size=-1 color="red">-4%</font>
<tr><th><font size = -1>Trades</font><th><font size = -1>%</font><th><font
size = -1>Trades</font><th><font size = -1>%</font><th><font size
= -1>Trades</font><th><font size = -1>%</font><th><font size
= -1>Trades</font><th><font size = -1>%</font><th><font size
= -1>Trades</font><th><font size = -1>%</font>

<tr><th ALIGN = "left"><font size = -1>Winners</font><th><font size
= -1>4608</font><th><font size = -1>66.3%</font><th><font size
= -1>1338</font><th><font size = -1>61.8%</font><th><font size
= -1>1290</font><th><font size = -1>62.7%</font><th><font size
= -1>1161</font><th><font size = -1>62.3%</font><th><font size
= -1>1888</font><th><font size = -1>62%</font>
<tr><th ALIGN = "left"><font size = -1>Losers</font><th><font size
= -1>2254</font><th><font size = -1>32.4%</font><th><font size
= -1>794</font><th><font size = -1>36.7%</font><th><font size
= -1>746</font><th><font size = -1>36.3%</font><th><font size
= -1>673</font><th><font size = -1>36.1%</font><th><font size
= -1>1111</font><th><font size = -1>36.5%</font>
<tr><th ALIGN = "left"><font size = -1>Broke Even</font><th><font size
= -1>90</font><th><font size = -1>1.3%</font><th><font size
= -1>34</font><th><font size = -1>1.6%</font><th><font size
= -1>20</font><th><font size = -1>1%</font><th><font size
= -1>31</font><th><font size = -1>1.7%</font><th><font size
= -1>44</font><th><font size = -1>1.4%</font>
<tr><th ALIGN = "left"><font size = -1>Totals</font><th><font size
= -1>6952</font><th><font size = -1>100%</font><th><font size
= -1>2166</font><th><font size = -1>100%</font><th><font size
= -1>2056</font><th><font size = -1>100%</font><th><font size
= -1>1865</font><th><font size = -1>100%</font><th><font size
= -1>3043</font><th><font size = -1>100%</font>

<tr><th COLSPAN=11><font color="blue" size=5>The Last 52 Weeks</font><br>"A"
Picks vs. S&P 500 trading statistics for the last 52 weeks: 10/3/02 through
<tr><th COLSPAN=5> "A" Picks Annual ROI = <font color
="green">79.18%</font><th COLSPAN=6> S&P 500 Annual ROI = <font color
<tr><th COLSPAN=5 ALIGN = "left"><A
HREF="http://home.flash.net/~hesler/52week.htm">Number of "A" Trades:
1244</A><br>Average Profit per Trade: 1.514%<br>Average Holding Period:
6.493 Market Days
<th COLSPAN=6 ALIGN = "left">S&P 500 close on 10/3/02: 818.95<br>S&P 500
close on 10/2/03: 1020.24

<font size = 3, family = verdana>


<strong>Question</strong>. I would like to know what your neural networks
think about this particular stock, <strong>SHAW GROUP

<strong>The Short Answer</strong> - Sorry, we can't help you on this

<strong>The Long Answer</strong> - This is a very special question because
the answer reveals deep insight into what our system is all about.<p>

Though our neural nets consider many factors associated with a particular
stock they don't really come up with an opinion about the stock. Our neural
nets come up with an opinion about how the stock will trade in the short

Only about one investor out of a thousand has ever thought about a statement
such as the above. Even after they read it most investors will not see much
difference between an opinion about a stock and an opinion on how it will
trade. This is what makes <strong>The Short Term Stock Selector</strong>
unique and different from other stock selection services. It is also why the
Annual Return On Investment (ROI) on our "A" picks is so high. Our neural
networks do not evaluate stocks, they evaluate potential trades. A great
stock like Intel can be ready to take a minor downturn. Twenty analysts will
most probably have a STRONG BUY rating on it and it will still take the
downturn. A weak stock like Bethlehem Steel can be ready to make a small
gain. Twenty analysts will have a SELL rating on it and it will still make a
small gain. Furthermore, our neural networks only evaluate potential trades
at very specific points in time. Also, the universe of stocks in the
database they screen is limited by design and <strong>SHAW GROUP
(NYSE:SGR)</strong> isn't in their universe. One gets the impression that
our system is pretty darn picky and not very versatile, one would be

Hopefully, you might one day send me an email like the following which I
received from Chris Blair. Chris has used our system for many years. FYI,
before 7/26/1997 we only posted "A" picks on the website. We now post "A"
through "E" picks to confuse the issue so we can charge for our premium
service <a href="http://www.flash.net/~hesler/signup4.htm">The Early Bird

I've been using your service since the very early days (way before "A-E"
picks) and have found it to be the best of it's kind on the net. Like many,
I use your service in concert with other techniques I've gotten comfortable
with and have consistently out-performed the market. I may have actually
been better off just doing what you recommend but I'm quite happy with the
results anyway. I especially like the <a
href="http://home.flash.net/~hesler/screens.htm">"studies"</a> you present
on the historical recommendations. The most recent data on how the nets fair
and the number of times the stocks are recommended is extremely valuable to

Anyway, as a long term user of The Short Term Stock Selector I remain a very
happy subscriber. Keep up the great work!<p>

Many of our Early Birds, like Chris, are extremely sophisticated. They use
our extensive Trade History to develop their own stock screens and
proprietary indicators to improve their trading performance. On the other
hand, most of our subscribers are average investors who find the system easy
to follow and use.<p>

Many who comment about the subject matter on our site call it fascinating.
If you spend the time evaluating it maybe you'll think so also.<p>
Best regards,<br>
Robert Hesler<br>
Webmaster/Neural Network Designer


<strong><font size = +3>Website Index</font></strong><br>
First time visitors should spend a few minutes reading the <a
href="overview.htm">System Overview</a> section.<p>

<font size=4>

<a href="picks.htm"><strong>Tomorrow's Free Picks </strong></a> - free
neural network stock recommendations for next day trading, posted around 7
PM Eastern Time<br>

<!-- <a href="http://www.flash.net/~hesler/pass/9pm.htm"><strong>The Early
Bird Club</strong></a> - our premium service - <a
href="http://www.flash.net/~hesler/signup4.htm">Information</a><br> -->

<b>The Early Bird Club (<a
href="http://www.flash.net/~hesler/pass/9pm.htm">Member Log In</a>)</b>...
Two Week<b> <a href="http://www.flash.net/~hesler/signup4.htm">Free
Trial</a></b> to our Premium Service<br>

<a href="past.htm"><strong>Trading History</strong></a> - the details of
each closed trade<br>

<a href="screens.htm"><strong>Trading History Screens</strong></a> - improve
your trading performance</a><br>

<a href="sandp.htm"><strong>S&P 500 Probabilities</strong></a> - discover
what this index is likely to do in the near future<br>

<a href="overview.htm"><strong>System Overview</strong></a> - an
explanation of the trading system<br>

<a href="open.htm"><strong>Buying and Selling</strong></a> -
recommendations on how to place your stock orders<br>

<a href="quest.htm"><strong>Frequently Asked Questions</strong></a> - most
everything you'll want to know<br>

<a href="birthday.htm"><strong>Birthday Statistics</strong></a> - check the
neural network's performance against the S&P 500<br>

tock+Selector"><IMG ALIGN=top SRC="http://www.flash.net/~hesler/visit.gif"
border=0 HEIGHT=19 WIDTH=41 ALT="visit"></A> <strong>Financial Sites of
Interest</strong> - see what other financial sites offer<br>

elector"><IMG ALIGN=top SRC="http://www.flash.net/~hesler/visit.gif"
border=0 HEIGHT=19 WIDTH=41 ALT="visit"></A><strong> Fat's Financial
Directory</strong> - search a database of financial websites<br>

<a href="stsspriv.htm"><strong>Our Privacy Statement</strong></a> - will we
sell your vital statistics?<br>

<a href="mailto:[email protected]"><strong>Questions &
Comments</strong></a> - tell us what you think about our site - <a
href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><br>

<!-- <a
<IMG SRC="ibd.gif" ALT="IBD" HEIGHT=82 WIDTH=125 ALIGN=LEFT border=0>
<font size = -1>If you haven't tried IBD you ought to get their two week <a
e subscription</b></a>
and check it out. One feature which I really like are the ads! All the data
vendors, discount brokers and software suppliers advertise in IBD. Its a
great source for discovering the latest financial bells and
whistles.<br><br><br><br> -->

<a href=http://www.adtrader.com/ads/adlink.asp?SN=4>
e=291 width="468" height="60" border="1" alt="FAT"></a><br>
<a href="http://www.adtrader.com" TARGET="_top">
<img src="http://www.adtrader.com/ads/admark.asp?SN=4"
width="468" height="18" border="0" alt="The Financial Ad Trader"></a>


Sorry, my fault...
False alarm.
That was script for the Marquee causing it. But all the strange stuff, and
the trading have gotten the better of me for now. It's like Potergiest in
the Market. One head fake after the next. The strong hands are tryibg their
best to shake as many retailers as they can right now, being first week of

sorry about that,

Your not going to believe this. As if I wasn't paranoid enough already.

I've suspected something is one of my boxes for quite a while, but have been
able to find anything.

This is brand new quirk; one an open site in Internet Explorer, the
horizontal scrollbar pops onto the bottom of the window at approximately 2/3
point and slowly runs to the right until it pops off as the whole page is
showing. I looked at the source code, but it doesn't have any script that I
can see to cause this. And this is the kind of thing a juvenille would think

This has gone from the cable modem showing much more load to the Virtual
Memory having to be recreated a half dozen times to the Event Viewers being
corrupt and jacking with them and a few other things that made me think
something slipped into the back of the unit, but could never find anything.
Dave Patrick said to go ahead and blow it off and reload. But, it is like
the testosterone thing. just don't want to think I can't finally find out
who, if anyone, is jacking with this, or they have programmed a series of
little things to happen over time. This last one looks like it could be a
script someone stuck in the website, but I don't think so. C O M M E N T S
? ?

Just in case you want to look the source is: http://www.flash.net/~hesler/

And the HTML code I have is:


<title>The Short Term Stock Selector</title>
<meta name="description" content="This site generates free neural network
stock market predictions. Buy, sell and hold recommendations are made each
market day at noon central time. An updated history of all trades is posted
for your inspection. We also feature stock quotes and graphs available with
one mouse click!">

<meta name="keywords" content="nasdaq, small cap, smallcap, small cap,
smallcap, small-cap, stocks, stock, directory, list, company, small
capitalization, microcap, microcap, micro cap, micro-cap, penny stock,
penny, invest, investor, investing, investment, otc bulletin board, public
company, ipo, ipos, initial public offering, stock quotes, quotes, resource,
discount broker, sec filing, emerging growth, over the counter, speculative,
new issue, listing, new stock, research reports, research, mutual fund,
delist, listing requirement, press release, guide, beginner, news, index,
nasdaq, stock, Nasdaq, stock, NASDAQ, stock, NYSE, nasdaq, nasdaq, quotes,
quotes, quotes, market, technical, fundamental, money, mutual, fund, mutual
fund, analysis, neural, network, bond, advisor, news, letter, index, Dow,
S&P, chart, graph, short, term">

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2">
<!-- Original: Ernst Straka ([email protected]) -->
<!-- Web Site: http://www.rs-systems.at/straka -->

<!-- This script and many more are available free online at -->
<!-- The JavaScript Source!! http://javascript.internet.com -->

<!-- Begin
var l1 = 0; // left of ticker in pixel, or 0 to position relative
var t1 = 0; // top of ticker in pixel, or 0 to position relative
var w1 = 400; // width of ticker in pixel
var ie = document.all ? true : false;
var first = true;
var l2 = l1 + w1;
var l3 = l1 - l2;
var l = l2;
function tickinit() {
if (ie) {
if (l1 == 0 && t1 == 0) {
pos = document.all['tickpos'];
l1 = getLeft(pos);
t1 = getTop(pos);
ticktext.style.posTop = t1;
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if (l1 == 0 && t1 == 0) {
pos = document.anchors['tickpos'];
l1 = pos.x;
t1 = pos.y;
document.ticktext.pageY = t1;
l2 = l1 + w1;
l3 = l1 - l2;
l = l2;
setInterval('tick()', 1);
function getLeft(ll) {
if (ll.offsetParent)
return (ll.offsetLeft + getLeft(ll.offsetParent));
return (ll.offsetLeft);
function getTop(ll) {
if (ll.offsetParent)
return (ll.offsetTop + getTop(ll.offsetParent));
return (ll.offsetTop);
function tick() {
l = l - 0.5;
if (l < l3) l = l2;
cl = l1 - l;
cr = l2 - l;
if (ie) {
ticktext.style.posLeft = l;
ticktext.style.posTop = t1;
ticktext.style.clip = "rect(auto "+cr+"px auto "+cl+"px)";
if (first) ticktext.style.visibility = "visible";
else {
document.ticktext.pageX = l;
document.ticktext.clip.left = cl;
document.ticktext.clip.right = cr;
if (first) document.ticktext.visibility = "show";
first = false;
// End -->

<BODY OnLoad="tickinit()" bgcolor="#ffffff"text="#000000"alink="#00e198"
link="#ob00ae" vlink="#0000ff">

<img align=bottom src="http://www.flash.net/~hesler/STSSlogo.gif" ALT="The
Short Term Stock Selector" width=378 height=229><p>
p;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a name="tickpos">&nbsp;</a>
<div id="ticktext"
"><nobr>Swing Trading at it's Best... Clear Buy/Sell Signals... Full
Historical Trade Discloser... Free Trial Offer...</nobr>
Free neural network stock recommendations for next day trading posted around
7 PM Eastern Time, the last update occurred on<br>

Thursday, October 02,2003, 07:12PM EDT<p>


<strong><font size = +3>Current Record on Our Closed
Positions</font></strong><br><font size = -1>(Our Disclaimer - Past
performance doesn't guarantee future results)</font><p>

<table border=1 width=600>
<tr><th COLSPAN=11><font color="blue" size=5>Complete Trading History...
Exactly 16082 Trades Completed</font><br>
Trading statistics since The Short Term Stock Selector inception: 4/11/96
through 10/2/03<br>
Definition: ROI = Return On Investment

<tr><th ALIGN = "left" ROWSPAN=2><font size =-1>Our neural network rates its
picks "A", "B", "C", "D" or "E" before positions are opened. Theoretically,
"A" picks have the highest probability of success and "E" picks the
lowest.</font><th COLSPAN=2><font size =-1 color="maroon">"A" Picks...
Annual ROI =</font><br><font size=-1 color="green">45%</font><th
COLSPAN=2><font size =-1 color="maroon">"B" Picks... Annual ROI
=</font><br><font size=-1 color="green">3%</font>
<th COLSPAN=2><font size =-1 color="maroon">"C" Picks... Annual ROI
=</font><br><font size=-1 color="green">2%</font><th COLSPAN=2><font size
=-1 color="maroon">"D" Picks... Annual ROI =</font><br><font size=-1
color="red">-4%</font><th COLSPAN=2><font size =-1 color="maroon">"E"
Picks... Annual ROI =</font><br><font size=-1 color="red">-4%</font>
<tr><th><font size = -1>Trades</font><th><font size = -1>%</font><th><font
size = -1>Trades</font><th><font size = -1>%</font><th><font size
= -1>Trades</font><th><font size = -1>%</font><th><font size
= -1>Trades</font><th><font size = -1>%</font><th><font size
= -1>Trades</font><th><font size = -1>%</font>

<tr><th ALIGN = "left"><font size = -1>Winners</font><th><font size
= -1>4608</font><th><font size = -1>66.3%</font><th><font size
= -1>1338</font><th><font size = -1>61.8%</font><th><font size
= -1>1290</font><th><font size = -1>62.7%</font><th><font size
= -1>1161</font><th><font size = -1>62.3%</font><th><font size
= -1>1888</font><th><font size = -1>62%</font>
<tr><th ALIGN = "left"><font size = -1>Losers</font><th><font size
= -1>2254</font><th><font size = -1>32.4%</font><th><font size
= -1>794</font><th><font size = -1>36.7%</font><th><font size
= -1>746</font><th><font size = -1>36.3%</font><th><font size
= -1>673</font><th><font size = -1>36.1%</font><th><font size
= -1>1111</font><th><font size = -1>36.5%</font>
<tr><th ALIGN = "left"><font size = -1>Broke Even</font><th><font size
= -1>90</font><th><font size = -1>1.3%</font><th><font size
= -1>34</font><th><font size = -1>1.6%</font><th><font size
= -1>20</font><th><font size = -1>1%</font><th><font size
= -1>31</font><th><font size = -1>1.7%</font><th><font size
= -1>44</font><th><font size = -1>1.4%</font>
<tr><th ALIGN = "left"><font size = -1>Totals</font><th><font size
= -1>6952</font><th><font size = -1>100%</font><th><font size
= -1>2166</font><th><font size = -1>100%</font><th><font size
= -1>2056</font><th><font size = -1>100%</font><th><font size
= -1>1865</font><th><font size = -1>100%</font><th><font size
= -1>3043</font><th><font size = -1>100%</font>

<tr><th COLSPAN=11><font color="blue" size=5>The Last 52 Weeks</font><br>"A"
Picks vs. S&P 500 trading statistics for the last 52 weeks: 10/3/02 through
<tr><th COLSPAN=5> "A" Picks Annual ROI = <font color
="green">79.18%</font><th COLSPAN=6> S&P 500 Annual ROI = <font color
<tr><th COLSPAN=5 ALIGN = "left"><A
HREF="http://home.flash.net/~hesler/52week.htm">Number of "A" Trades:
1244</A><br>Average Profit per Trade: 1.514%<br>Average Holding Period:
6.493 Market Days
<th COLSPAN=6 ALIGN = "left">S&P 500 close on 10/3/02: 818.95<br>S&P 500
close on 10/2/03: 1020.24

<font size = 3, family = verdana>


<strong>Question</strong>. I would like to know what your neural networks
think about this particular stock, <strong>SHAW GROUP

<strong>The Short Answer</strong> - Sorry, we can't help you on this

<strong>The Long Answer</strong> - This is a very special question because
the answer reveals deep insight into what our system is all about.<p>

Though our neural nets consider many factors associated with a particular
stock they don't really come up with an opinion about the stock. Our neural
nets come up with an opinion about how the stock will trade in the short

Only about one investor out of a thousand has ever thought about a statement
such as the above. Even after they read it most investors will not see much
difference between an opinion about a stock and an opinion on how it will
trade. This is what makes <strong>The Short Term Stock Selector</strong>
unique and different from other stock selection services. It is also why the
Annual Return On Investment (ROI) on our "A" picks is so high. Our neural
networks do not evaluate stocks, they evaluate potential trades. A great
stock like Intel can be ready to take a minor downturn. Twenty analysts will
most probably have a STRONG BUY rating on it and it will still take the
downturn. A weak stock like Bethlehem Steel can be ready to make a small
gain. Twenty analysts will have a SELL rating on it and it will still make a
small gain. Furthermore, our neural networks only evaluate potential trades
at very specific points in time. Also, the universe of stocks in the
database they screen is limited by design and <strong>SHAW GROUP
(NYSE:SGR)</strong> isn't in their universe. One gets the impression that
our system is pretty darn picky and not very versatile, one would be

Hopefully, you might one day send me an email like the following which I
received from Chris Blair. Chris has used our system for many years. FYI,
before 7/26/1997 we only posted "A" picks on the website. We now post "A"
through "E" picks to confuse the issue so we can charge for our premium
service <a href="http://www.flash.net/~hesler/signup4.htm">The Early Bird

I've been using your service since the very early days (way before "A-E"
picks) and have found it to be the best of it's kind on the net. Like many,
I use your service in concert with other techniques I've gotten comfortable
with and have consistently out-performed the market. I may have actually
been better off just doing what you recommend but I'm quite happy with the
results anyway. I especially like the <a
href="http://home.flash.net/~hesler/screens.htm">"studies"</a> you present
on the historical recommendations. The most recent data on how the nets fair
and the number of times the stocks are recommended is extremely valuable to

Anyway, as a long term user of The Short Term Stock Selector I remain a very
happy subscriber. Keep up the great work!<p>

Many of our Early Birds, like Chris, are extremely sophisticated. They use
our extensive Trade History to develop their own stock screens and
proprietary indicators to improve their trading performance. On the other
hand, most of our subscribers are average investors who find the system easy
to follow and use.<p>

Many who comment about the subject matter on our site call it fascinating.
If you spend the time evaluating it maybe you'll think so also.<p>
Best regards,<br>
Robert Hesler<br>
Webmaster/Neural Network Designer


<strong><font size = +3>Website Index</font></strong><br>
First time visitors should spend a few minutes reading the <a
href="overview.htm">System Overview</a> section.<p>

<font size=4>

<a href="picks.htm"><strong>Tomorrow's Free Picks </strong></a> - free
neural network stock recommendations for next day trading, posted around 7
PM Eastern Time<br>

<!-- <a href="http://www.flash.net/~hesler/pass/9pm.htm"><strong>The Early
Bird Club</strong></a> - our premium service - <a
href="http://www.flash.net/~hesler/signup4.htm">Information</a><br> -->

<b>The Early Bird Club (<a
href="http://www.flash.net/~hesler/pass/9pm.htm">Member Log In</a>)</b>...
Two Week<b> <a href="http://www.flash.net/~hesler/signup4.htm">Free
Trial</a></b> to our Premium Service<br>

<a href="past.htm"><strong>Trading History</strong></a> - the details of
each closed trade<br>

<a href="screens.htm"><strong>Trading History Screens</strong></a> - improve
your trading performance</a><br>

<a href="sandp.htm"><strong>S&P 500 Probabilities</strong></a> - discover
what this index is likely to do in the near future<br>

<a href="overview.htm"><strong>System Overview</strong></a> - an
explanation of the trading system<br>

<a href="open.htm"><strong>Buying and Selling</strong></a> -
recommendations on how to place your stock orders<br>

<a href="quest.htm"><strong>Frequently Asked Questions</strong></a> - most
everything you'll want to know<br>

<a href="birthday.htm"><strong>Birthday Statistics</strong></a> - check the
neural network's performance against the S&P 500<br>

tock+Selector"><IMG ALIGN=top SRC="http://www.flash.net/~hesler/visit.gif"
border=0 HEIGHT=19 WIDTH=41 ALT="visit"></A> <strong>Financial Sites of
Interest</strong> - see what other financial sites offer<br>

elector"><IMG ALIGN=top SRC="http://www.flash.net/~hesler/visit.gif"
border=0 HEIGHT=19 WIDTH=41 ALT="visit"></A><strong> Fat's Financial
Directory</strong> - search a database of financial websites<br>

<a href="stsspriv.htm"><strong>Our Privacy Statement</strong></a> - will we
sell your vital statistics?<br>

<a href="mailto:[email protected]"><strong>Questions &
Comments</strong></a> - tell us what you think about our site - <a
href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><br>

<!-- <a
<IMG SRC="ibd.gif" ALT="IBD" HEIGHT=82 WIDTH=125 ALIGN=LEFT border=0>
<font size = -1>If you haven't tried IBD you ought to get their two week <a
e subscription</b></a>
and check it out. One feature which I really like are the ads! All the data
vendors, discount brokers and software suppliers advertise in IBD. Its a
great source for discovering the latest financial bells and
whistles.<br><br><br><br> -->

<a href=http://www.adtrader.com/ads/adlink.asp?SN=4>
e=291 width="468" height="60" border="1" alt="FAT"></a><br>
<a href="http://www.adtrader.com" TARGET="_top">
<img src="http://www.adtrader.com/ads/admark.asp?SN=4"
width="468" height="18" border="0" alt="The Financial Ad Trader"></a>

