In one column I have a list of names (ie - U4, U5 U6, U7, U8).
Some have a space in between them (ie- N Jansen).
So I want to have those names listed and seperated by commas in anothe
larger box. (ie- McDonald, N Jansen, Daniels, Hoffman, W Miller).
But I want a formula because I may have to end up changing one or tw
of those names in the furture.
This is what I have tried entering:
=U4&", "&U5&", "&U6&", "&U7&", "&U8
But when I press enter just the formula shows up.
And when I press "edit formula, it gives me an example of exactley wha
I want them to show. So what gives? I have a number formula correctl
working on the same sheet, so I didn't think it was on "show formulas"
So is the formula wrong or what? I would really appreciatte any help.
Thank you
Some have a space in between them (ie- N Jansen).
So I want to have those names listed and seperated by commas in anothe
larger box. (ie- McDonald, N Jansen, Daniels, Hoffman, W Miller).
But I want a formula because I may have to end up changing one or tw
of those names in the furture.
This is what I have tried entering:
=U4&", "&U5&", "&U6&", "&U7&", "&U8
But when I press enter just the formula shows up.
And when I press "edit formula, it gives me an example of exactley wha
I want them to show. So what gives? I have a number formula correctl
working on the same sheet, so I didn't think it was on "show formulas"
So is the formula wrong or what? I would really appreciatte any help.
Thank you