I’m trying to locate a program, and I don’t even know the name of it, I’ll
do my best to describe exactly what I’m looking for and what the program
accomplishes, hopefully some reader will understand what I’m looking for:
Some years ago my wife and I were at a Mall in California, during our tour of
the mall we came across an individual who had a small booth (stand) in the
passageway of the mall, this guy’s booth didn’t even take up more than 6’ x
6’ space, all I can remember as far as his equipment was that he had a
computer and monitor and some sort of device to take photographs, I remember
our faces appearing on the monitor as he made some adjustments... His offer
was to photograph your face, then superimpose the face onto a preselected
body of your choice (he had many choices). My wife and I went for it, we
selected a couple that looked the picture of fitness, had our facial features
transferred to those bodies, and when he was satisfied with the alignments he
printed them out on a health and fitness magazine cover, just something to
look at and have a few laughs. OK, that’s the best that I can do as far as
describing what I’m looking for, it’s probably some kind of commercial
program, but if there is any viewer out there that might be able to help on
this program, and what type of equipment it might require to run it, it’ll be
greatly appreciated, THANKS.


John Inzer

SQUIRE said:
I'm trying to locate a program, and I don't even know the name of it,
I'll do my best to describe exactly what I'm looking for and what the
program accomplishes, hopefully some reader will understand what I'm
looking for: Some years ago my wife and I were at a Mall in
California, during our tour of the mall we came across an individual
who had a small booth (stand) in the passageway of the mall, this
guy's booth didn't even take up more than 6' x 6' space, all I can
remember as far as his equipment was that he had a computer and
monitor and some sort of device to take photographs, I remember our
faces appearing on the monitor as he made some adjustments... His
offer was to photograph your face, then superimpose the face onto a
preselected body of your choice (he had many choices). My wife and I
went for it, we selected a couple that looked the picture of fitness,
had our facial features transferred to those bodies, and when he was
satisfied with the alignments he printed them out on a health and
fitness magazine cover, just something to look at and have a few
laughs. OK, that's the best that I can do as far as describing what
I'm looking for, it's probably some kind of commercial program, but
if there is any viewer out there that might be able to help on this
program, and what type of equipment it might require to run it, it'll
be greatly appreciated, THANKS.

I'm not familiar with the specific software
the guy in the mall was using but any
advanced image editing software that
has an option to create cutouts and layers
can do what you describe. Maybe not as
quickly or easily as the special software
in the mall but at least you could accomplish
the task.

First you would create a cutout of the
head (think paper doll)...then you would
drag/drop the cutout onto the picture
that you wish to update.

There is a 60 day trial version of Digital
Image Suite that can make the cutout
and it even has a head swap option that
doesn't require the cutout but I don't think
the head swap will work on the trial version
because it doesn't include the clipart that
is included in the retail version.

Microsoft Digital Image
Starter Edition 2006
(this product line has been
discontinued but you can still
download the Starter Version
and run it for 60 days)

Unlike the retail version...the trial does not
have the ability to create VCDs and it does
not include the clipart and pre-formatted

Not exactly what you asked for but the
following site will allow you to change
hairstyles and print the result as an InStyle
Magazine cover.

InStyle Hair Makeover


John Inzer
MS Picture It! -
Digital Image MVP

Digital Image
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This is not tech support
I am a volunteer

Solutions that work for
me may not work for you

Proceed at your own risk


Sounds like the program he was using was Funhouse. You can download a trial
version free for like 14days. The software is not very expensive and easy to
use. I think the company that makes this software is Arcsoft. Lots of fun
to use and easy to use. The other program like this is called bodyonface.
Don't waste your time or money on this one. It is hard to use and the results
are not good.

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