Well C.B. is you 'think' I was wrong, or the answer I got was in direct
proportion to the tone of my post - maybe I owe everbody that posted on that
site an apology... but I 'still' am of the opinion that to make that remark;
when I was 'asking for help' was sort of 'rude and unwarranted'. But that's
my 'opinion' and like parts on our bodies ... we all have 'that them'. I
apologize to you. But 'anger and frustration' are 'feelings'; and 'being
"froggy and 'jumping' are just about the same", maybe a bit more on the side
of 'instinct'. But VISTA WAS 'released' FAR too soon, and when your IP
(Internet [Service] Protocol is a 'small phone company' (in a certain area of
the country) - you have to put up with what they can provide for you and be
thankful for that. Poor and downtrodden? I don't feel either. I'm
'blessed' to be a 'child of God' and I've been through a whole lot to 'be'
"where I am" and I'm NOT 'downtrodden'; but you 'don't know me...and I don't
expect for you to care or understand'; but I am 'really proud to be where I
am - ALIVE! I'm able pick up my ball and punt, get 'called to the sidelines'
and wait until I can 'breathe' and 'go back @ it'. I 'love' my computer (now
that I finally got DELL to send one that WORKS - I just felt like when I
called and told the salesman 'what I wanted it to do' - we weren't on the
same 'dance page' - he took that information and went to the warehouse and
said, "mmm, we'll send her this, it is about as close as we can get..." I
thought DELL was supposed to build a computer to your specifications ... I
was 'mistaken'; and ill with a disorder that 'affects my "short term memory
and comprehension". But when I received the 1st "Satan System" computer - I
didn't get my "Here's your sign [book] of 'instructions'! But 'practice
makes perfect' - I'll never be perfect but I will do a whole lot of practice.
But very little takes away that feeling of 'getting into something, then
realizing 'Oh $***, what have I done and how do I get out of here; only made
worse by 'not being able to remember exactly 'how I got into it', and what I
was 'familiar' with in the old Microsoft 98-XP have had 'parts combined or
removed or moved' ... now I know how a polar bear must feel (and as an owner
of "pets" - I truly believe that they are 'smart' and have feelings) when he
finds himself on an 'small chunk of ice' that's not big enough for him to
turn around on'. I thank you for YOUR honesty. I'm just 'floating along'
and was hoping to 'find some HELP'. Hope you have a Blessed Father's Day,
even if you are a 'mother' or a 'child' of a father. I will apologize when I
'think' I am wrong or if someone 'convinces' me that I am ... I will stand my
ground - if I 'think' that I am right. I've been 'dough-popped' before and I
know how it feels and 'both eyes blackened' by 'turning the other cheek'; but
push me - I'll push back - I have my sense of 'personal space' and have the
right to defend it.
C.B. said:
Here's your post: "If you are a computer savvy person w/no
patience...log off now! If you are
willing to help...post! I have a computer Inspiron 531 w/Microsoft Office
(Business) VISTA; trying to learn, but all on my own. Sync? Is that
something that would allow me to enter a 'contact' and have it appear in all
3 email programs or will I have to type them in individually into each?
$1200 is a 'big' investment for me, on a 'set' income. Tired of getting
'into' something ONLY to find it is a 'sales pitch'. I should NOT have to
'buy' additional programs to make VISTA run...that is something that
Microsoft should provide somehow! I'm sure all these 'programs' you 'need
buy' are Microsoft related. Bill Gates doesn't understand that NOT
is as 'brilliant' as he...biggest mistake though was 'unleashing' VISTA
without more 'kinks' worked out...but $$$ is $$$ and $$$ is "His GOD" - NOT
Here's your reply: Dear Rachel,
"It is 'so refreshing' to find someone who has NEVER been a 'novice'. If I
get a 'grant' or a 'student loan' it will be to take 'art' NOT computer. If
I don't know 'what the HELL I'm doing...it is because I chose NOT to 'stand
in Hell' ... What's YOUR problem? Being 'a rude smartA**' has never gotten
people far in life and I will tell you the same thing I told the LAST person
whose 'comment' was unwarranted...don't like MY response to a 'short, curt
remark' REPORT ME! I have this program on my computer to try to find
You aren't willing to make suggestions kindly...don't open my email up!
have my Display Name...write it down so you can 'remember' it!"
C.B. said:
I remember the post you are referring to. The tone of the answer you
received was in direct proportion to the attitude of your post.
It is the responsibility and duty of everyone to help the underprivileged
and unfortunate among us.
You know what...I'd have to say that I 'think' we have been paddling up
same 'damn' creek. In 13 months - I have had 3 'computers'; If I ever
to 'have' ANY technical service - I have spent the fricking $230+ for
Dell_on_Call. I will NEVER buy another Dell computer. VISTA for the
part - SUXS; they 'update it' 'daily' and several times to boot. It's
enough to 'try having to 'learn it' on my own; throw in a couple of
children who 'just insist on turning it on AFTER I've 'turned' if OFF -
during a lightning storm... Just totally 'blew' my Microsoft Office
2007 and 'until' I purchased the 'software help' - I was 'dead in the
But I have found that 'coming on this 'site' and asking questions has
often times met with 'smart ass remarks about 'getting a grant' or a
loan' and learning 'something' about a computer so I would know what the
I was talking about (and that was 'just about' a direct QUOTE). There
'some of us out here that are NOVICES when it comes to installation of a
computer'...I worked for 22 years on computers and ALWAYS had a 'physical
technician' who set up the computers, loaded the programs, changes
he did everything and then plugged it in, and said, 'well have @ it ...
here's your "sign" [book]; Wasn't afraid then to just 'start pushing
buttons' to see what would happen ... he could always get it back up and
running; but now disable and 'don't have that luxury' and my $1500
on a limited income...is something that I want to 'continue' having it
'constantly' up-to-date. Had started the 'post' with 'if you are a
guru and have no patience with a computer novice - please don't post' -
Apparently SHE was the one needing a 'grant' to go to 'charm school'. I
thought she was 'rude' and apparently just out 'surfing' to see who she
'piss off' royally. May God Bless her dear, smart ass self, she just
brought up properly'. She is probably a 'real loser' in life and want to
make others feel the same pain.
I'll be damned if Vista insists on biting me after every damn update!!!
MS even test this crap or simply pass it by the testers desk??? I get
calmed a bit then another update and I'm losing text and the cursor has
epileptic fit. This is a systemic situation starting last November to
as things were fine till they updated something. I've spoken with users
private community to DOD and they all report same. It is truly getting