HI People, I have a question, it may be easy, i use the
below bit of code
Private Declare Function GetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll"
Alias "GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpbuffer As String, nSize As
Long) As Long
To obtain peoples user names however i can't seem to get
it to track into tblsales.userid - could anybody send me
the code to get it to track this? i already have it
tracking other details - that are all user input - please
below bit of code
Private Declare Function GetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll"
Alias "GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpbuffer As String, nSize As
Long) As Long
To obtain peoples user names however i can't seem to get
it to track into tblsales.userid - could anybody send me
the code to get it to track this? i already have it
tracking other details - that are all user input - please