Here's some steps to set-up a 1*-variable data table
for the case stated in your post:
*I see only 1 what-if variable in the case described
Assuming your data as posted is in A1:C7
i.e. col A = Country, col B = Item, col C = Manufacturer's Cost
Put in A9: Agent_Percent_of_Manu_Cost (just a label)
Put in B9: 160% (this will be the what-if-variable)
Put in D1: Agent's Cost (just a label)
Put in D2: =C2*$B$9
Copy down D2
7 will be the what-if-dependencies,
viz the 6 country_items)
Setting up the Data-Table
Enter in say A12:A20
Construct the col labels in B11:G11:
Put in B11
Copy across B11:G11
In B11:G11 will be the col labels,
drawing from the 6 country_items in A2:B7
Put in B12: =INDIRECT("D"&COLUMN())
Copy across B12:G12
The above gives the equivalent of putting
in B12: =D2, in C12: =D3, in D12: =D4, etc
Select A12:G20
Click Data>Table
In the Table dialog box:
a. Leave row input cell empty
b. For column input cell, enter: $B$9 (or just click on B9)
c. Click OK
Mask B12:G12 by formatting the font in white,
ie in the same colour as background
Format B13:G20 as Currency
The data table will calculate the sensitivities of all the 6 dependencies,
ie the Agent's Cost for each of the country_item,
to the single what-if variable Agent_Percent_of_Manu_Cost.
You can also plug in other values under
the Agent_Percent_of_Manu_Cost col in the data table
(instead of 130%, 140%... 200%)
which will then be recalculated accordingly in the data table.
Hope the above helps.