
May 14, 2005
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i built my own computer some time ago,and until recently it has performed well,for some reason it now reboots itself when it feels like it,it can run for days ok and then i would hear it reboot without me touching it,or i can be working on it doing anything,not even on line and it will restart itself,no error message comes up.any ideas anyone???
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Does windows give you any errors once it boots up after it has reset itself?

It may be overheating, or the PSU might not be any good. Memory errors might cause this but would give an error most likely.
thanx for your swift reply,no error messsage at all at any stage....,thought it might be an overheat problem,but i have not only disabled the temp shutdown on post,i have wat is called magic health installed and it is showing a stable temp thrpughout,i have the feeling it might have been mb.