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iamunabletosend emails thru microsoft,do not know server address touse nor
doi know what a popmail is
niki said:
iamunabletosend emails thru microsoft,do not know server address touse
nor doi know what a popmail is

You're asking in the wrong place (this group is for the Access database)
and you haven't given enough information for anyone to help you anyway.

There are two main ways to access email. Both require connection to the
mailbox server. One is to use a web browser - most Hotmail users do
this. The other is to use a program which connects to the mailbox
server for you and downloads the mail, so it's available even when you
aren't online (less useful as broadband spreads). These programs use a
"protocol" (set of messaging rules) called "POP". Examples are Outlook,
Outlook Express, and Windows Live Mail.

So, figure out what you're using (or trying to use), and see if you can
find a newsgroup on that subject. Or see this:

or this:

Good luck!

Phil, London

PS: that really big key on your keyboard at the bottom? That's the
space bar...