Bigswtmomma said:
I have a yellow shield with a ! mark in it and a yellow triangle with a ! in
it and it keeps popping up things on my screen and trying to get me to
download security things. I just need to know how to get rid of it.
Can you restore the PC to anearlier date?
Try to log into safe mode and try the Restore procedure.
Press Windows Key on your Keyboard then the start Menu will come up
Click Control Panel >> Double Click Network and Internet
Connections >> Double click Internet Options, on the IE Properties window
you will see these Options:
General | Security | Privacy | Content | Connections | Programs
| Advanced .
Click on Advanced Tab and then click Reset Web Settings Button ( Note if you
have IE6 it will be under Programs Tab).
Make sure the machine malware free and Virus free by scanning.
1... Click start >> Control Panel >> Double Click Network and Internet
Connections >> Double click Internet Options, on the IE Properties window
you will see these Options:
General | Security | Privacy | Content | Connections | Programs
| Advanced .
Click on General Tab (1st Tab on the left) and you will see a Button called
[ Clear History ..] click on it to clear your History caches, then click on
[Delete Files..] to delete Internet Files created over the time, click on [
Delete Cookies...] to delete your cookies left by visiting websites.
= Then try to Disable the Add-Ons on your Browser somehow installed on your
browser, On how to disable the Add-ons follow this:
Click on Programs Tab and then click the Manage Add-Ons Button there Disable
the None/Not Verified Plug-ins/Add-ons ( you need to Renable them one-by-one
later and see which is the culprit or you can send them here in your next
post) and click [OK] to confirm your Changes.
How to manage Add-Ons:
Click on Advanced Tab and scroll down under the browsing option and uncheck
this box:
[&] Browsing
[ ] Enable Third-Party browser extensions (Req Rest) and click Apply
then OK to close your IE Properties.
Scan for malware from here:
Comodo BOClean : Anti-Malware Version 4.27
download Hijackthis and send me the log.
Send me copy to my address is : to_you_ross(at remove this and repalce with
( _ is underscore)