You left eft out one really important answer to the questions posed
to you - given your original posting...
Hard disk drive space? (Total size, partition size(s), free space
Easy with the all uppercase lettering.
I am a volunteer here and trying to _assist you_ with a problem _you_ are
having with _your_ computer. This is my free time. You came here to learn
something - I assume - so please be patient and try to give as much
information as you can. No need to 'yell', just ask if you are having
trouble doing something. Remember - a computer is not a toaster. If you
just wanted things fixed - there are places that will happily take your
computer, your money and anything else they can grab. ;-)
Open "My Computer", find each *hard disk drive* and right-click on each one
(one-by-one) and select "Properties". My bet is that you *only* have "Local
Disk (C

" for a hard disk drive.
Once the "Properties" window opens - select the "General" tab from the top.
You'll see "Used Space", "Free Space", "Capacity" and a purple/blue
pie-chart. The first three are what we are interested in. You can just
give the number next to the GB at the end of each of those 'lines'...
What antiVirus application do you run? (I am hoping it is not some
"all-in-one" product that includes firewall, antispyware, antivirus, etc..
Those are usually resource hogs and aren't worth the amount of resources
they drag from your system.)
Right now we know you have:
- Windows XP Professional
- 256MB of system memory (a lot of systems I know use more than that - 512MB
seems to be a good number for Windows XP machines now - even though you say
you have 56MB available...)
- You've Defragmented and performed a Disk Cleanup (so I assumed you knew
how much space you had on your hard disk drive since you have to get past
that information to utilize some of those tools.)
Do you utilize any AntiSpyware software?
SuperAntiSpyware (FREE) might be one you want to get to scan your system.
Some of the symptoms you are having could be malware related.