Windows XP Help!

Jul 11, 2008
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Ok i got loads of errors and i think i know why,
Normally i am nto stupid enough to delete random things but aye i am stupid and that why i am here now!

Ok lemme explain i got a computer from a friend so i could play some MMORPGs but it had a few problems so i thought aye lemme delete something off this i stumbled across some weird folders that i dont normally see in my documents that wasn't hidden i know not to delete hidden files but now i think back maybe the was set to un hidden. now i deleted them permentally i'm pretty ****ed and i dunno what i deleted so i thought i would go by the error that i have this is maybe dued 2 deletign this folders but to get to the end of this will take forever to lazy to go get it fixed to be honest i'm abit cheap lemme there are serval problems i'll start with the ones i need more,

- Add And Remove Program wont open (no Error Message) - this was Fine before i deleted folders

- System Restore (error message say system restore can't help computer please restart and try again) < of course i did that dint work (error message isnt excat)

- Accounts (when i go 2 accounts it just blank page) - liek this when i got computer

-Regsvr32(regsvr fine) just typing in the command C:\winnt\system32\appwiz.cpl failed - the specified could not be found (personally think i deleted)

- Sound - This is actually quite funny my sound works perfectly when i run Itunes but when on the internet dont work at all so i came across to the conclusion that it could be my web browser maybe unset playing sounds < quick help not sure if i tried but i will try again, but heres the funniest part i go to sound control opiton everything is disable i cant adjust volume it seems like the whole thing is disable to do with the volume adjust (this isnt a big issue but would be nice to fix)

have loads more errors but i will try and search around for the rest all these i have searched,

Using windows XP Home Edition got no Windows CD so if you say i need a window CD will cry :'(

Thanks for the help if help is assisted if i find a fix because of your help i will say fixed and link it to ur advice so it easier for people when they get same error thanks for al lthe support you will give..

/ End
Look in your recycle bin and see if the Folders you deleted are in there..If they are, then restore them and see what happens
Well, i would recommend reinstalling XP do you have a sticker on your computer that says it is a license key?

If so you can PM me your address and i will post you a copy of XP.

audio.Had the same problem .Downloaded and installed "Realteck High definination Player" it may be at this site .Also for vidio problems I down loaded a K-lite codec try it worked fine for me
aolancaster said:
audio.Had the same problem .Downloaded and installed "Realteck High definination Player" it may be at this site .Also for vidio problems I down loaded a K-lite codec try it worked fine for me
That could be quite a dangerous site to direct somebody to, that is not 100% with computers...
Vista and xp. About one year ago I purchased a new computer and decided to try out the new vista setup,I had trouble from the first time I switched on ,after fighting with it for three months I sent it back to the factory . they reinstalled it and sent it back .It seemed to work alright with a few gliches until about a month ago when it finally gave up the ghost and turned all my files to "lnk files"dont ask me what they are I havent the faintest idea but none of my programs would work after that. To cut along story short I had my hard drive fomatted and installed a brand new xp system .Every thing worked fine except there was no sound ,I googled all the error messages "0x COOD11BA" but there is no solutions available so whent back to my pc manufacterer.for advice and they put me onto the MSI webb site ,I downloaded the driver and now everything is working fine.If a relative novice like me can sort it out it cant be too difficult .I also downloaded a vidio codec " K-lite codec." and am now back to all the vista goodies without all the hassles.My query is why hasnt microsoft posted a message pointing this out. Vista is a spectatular system but I live in a very isolated position and have only dial up conection through a rural modem so there are likely to be some problems,perhaps when I finally get Broadband ,about three more years according to telecom.I may try vista again. AOL.
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Waynos_Face said:
Well, i would recommend reinstalling XP do you have a sticker on your computer that says it is a license key?

If so you can PM me your address and i will post you a copy of XP.

Yes it defently original XP but its funny anything i try to install from microsoft dont work >.< tried to re install windows back to SP1 but said something like catarosphic error along them lines the only way i can think to fix computer if it was completely wipe of operation system then reinstalled but that is left for the professionals i just know about it just cant do it >.< dont wanna fuk it up more
Re-installing the OS is easy . You put the disc in the drive and follow the simple step by step on screen instructions .
