
Jul 1, 2008
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ok ive been searching around and i cant seem to solve this problem
a couple months ago i encountered a virus from windows messenger, i got rid of it with avg and thought everything was fine, after this, every time i turn on my computer a messege that says
Cant find folder and its in System32/zpjwwwv/smss (not sure on the ZPJ part but something close to that
also ive been noticing lag in a game i play (CSS) when i never used to have it, and things have been slower

im not too goo with computers so if you can put it in step by step or something easy for a beginer to see.

EDIT: the virus was a Worm/VB.CWB, object name SMSS exe, object path C:\Windows\system32\config\zdpwwwvjj

dont know if this helps, but when i scaned it it said that the folder was there, however when i look there manuely it is not

also, finding out more, i tried to simply make a new folder with the name zdpwwwvjj, however, it said there was alreadya file existing i dont know what to think

ALSO it says i shuold either find it or remove it from the registry, so how would i remove it from registry
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What OS you using? XP> what are your spec of PC?
what do you use for Anti spyware?
Take AVG out and put in Avast or Anti-vir instead
Windows XP not sure what else
but its not the virus thats the problem, its been killed, ive figured that much out from what ive serched around for
It seems like you have deleted a file accidentally or AVG has?

Try reinstalling the game and see what happens.
weltall said:
not in the open but i can try to find it

the file is likely a compressed file and part of an install routine. When the install program runs it will expand the file and replace the underscore with the proper letter for the file type.
what had you installed prior to the AVG finding the virus?
it was a virus, i think it was a worm something when i read while trying to figure this out
but i was talking and i get a link, thinking it was really him, i click it, and there goes a download of a virus, so avg does its job and kills it, but then this messege comes up, i think what happend is avg MAY have either deleted it as the virus, or idk

ALSO i just looked in the data base heres the specs on stuff about this

the virus was a Worm/VB.CWB, object name SMSS exe, object path C:\Windows\system32\config\zdpwwwvjj
i dont know if this helps, but when i scaned it it said that the folder was there, however when i look there manuely it is not
also i tried to make a new folder zdpwwwvjj, however i could not make it for it said file already exists
weltall said:
also i tried to make a new folder zdpwwwvjj, however i could not make it for it said file already exists

Mmmm... What I would do is save all my files Photos/music/Etc: and try a repair with XP disc failling that a reinstall of XP and all the games Etc: Someone else may have a solution? the thing is you could spend hours or even days trying to resolve the problem as you say the file is there but it is not is it? A reinstall would take less time and effort.:)
yeah, well i will wait a day or so for more replys. i thought i killed this virus months ago but finnaly got sick of all the crashes and messeges when i turn on the computer, so i decided to start searching....and now ive speant 4 hours today searching

ALSO it says i shuold either find it or remove it from the registry, so how would i remove it from registry
yeah couldnt figure that out HOWEVER another "lead" i got a security task manager, and yeah after looking through stuff, i found the folder through there, and its hidden, however i cant uncheck the would i do that?