I'm sorry Art, I should have said I used the online free scan. I'm on
social security and can't afford to buy a good protector. I took the 'My
computer' scan with their settings. Below is a copy of their expanded
report. Any help or all help will be appreciated. Do you know if I
downloaded the trial copy of their scanner it would give the option of
deleting the bad files?
In the case of your OE email stores, no, a resident av cannot delete
the attackments. You have to delete them while in OE. The same
probably is true with the malware in the Java cache. In that case,
you would need to somehow flush the cache. It doesn't look like
KAV found any active malware, so you're ok.
I suggest that you uninstall Java and download and install the latest
version of Java if you think you need or want it for some reason.
If you have no need for it, simply uninstall it and be done with it.
If you only find rare need of it, then keep it normally disabled in
your browser(s) and only enable it when necessary. Or in the case
of IE, make sure it's disabled in the Internet Zone (which should
be set to highest security level anyway) and use the Trusted Sites
zone to only enable it for banking sites or whatever you use that
requires Java.