You are correct about the diagnosis without symptoms. Unfortunately
the only symptom I have is what I told you. You can thank MS for that
So I have an app that works fine somethime and other times after small
alterations in code produce that cryptic message on a few machines
(not just one) in the office. The "crash" is sporatice and not
corrected with rebooting.
The app is similar to a chat program over the internal network. I have
check firewalls and antivirus. Not sure how to isolate the problem
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2006 07:18:38 +0100
Subject: Re: HELP!!
From: "Morten Wennevik" <
[email protected]>
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I wrote a program in Vb.Net that was running fine. However I am
unable to install it on a couple of machines. When i run it I get a
windows error message that says
My Project.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are
sorry for the inconvience.
If you were in the middle of something, the information you were
working on might be lost
This is like diagnosing a disease of someone just claiming to be sick
without telling anything else. You need to provide far more
for us to even guess what might be wrong.
On one machine it ran fine for a week but when I recompile the program
wuth a minor change (The text in a single label) it appeared and now I
am stuck
When you say you are unable to install your program, are you unable to
install it, or does it install just fine, but does not run.
The program compiles fine with no errors or warning on the machine it
was written on.
Well, if it didn't compile, you would probably not install it
A compiled program may crash just fine without giving any compiler
Happy Coding!
Morten Wennevik [C# MVP]
On Tue, 5 Dec 2006 11:42:07 -0000, "ChrisM"
I wrote a program in Vb.Net that was running fine. However I am
unable to install it on a couple of machines. When i run it I get a
windows error message that says
My Project.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are
sorry for the inconvience.
If you were in the middle of something, the information you were
working on might be lost
On one machine it ran fine for a week but when I recompile the program
wuth a minor change (The text in a single label) it appeared and now I
am stuck
The program compiles fine with no errors or warning on the machine it
was written on.
What is your program actually attempting to do?
Does it crash as soon as you run it, or at some point later?
You could try putting some MessageBoxes in to try and see where it is
crashing, better still, add some code to write to a textfile/log so you
see what is going on...