wikkid said:
after doing a regcure scan i cannot shut my computer down and as im
not that
good with pc being quite new to this i would be grateful if someone
could possibly help me with this
You installed a "registry cleaner/optimizer" which is never recommended
by professional techs. If RegCure has an Undo feature, use it. Then
uninstall it. Registry cleaners do more harm than good and should only
be used by people who know what they're doing, which makes a
third-party registry cleaner unnecessary anyway.
If there is no Undo feature, then uninstall RegCure from Add/Remove
programs and then do a System Restore to a date before you installed
Start>Programs>Accessories>System Tools>System Restore
"Restore my computer to an earlier time"
Then it would be smart to scan your computer for malware since many of
these so-called "optimizers" are nothing more than malware themselves.
Here is a link to what sort of maintenance you should be doing on a
regular basis in XP:
If you need more help after you've tried these things, post back to this