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Ok...i have 2 login for my sister and one for me....My name for
it is administartor because i saved everything in there before i made one for
my i discovered that i cannot change my name so i was fine with
that.So then i made my sister hers. Now whenever i turn on my computer it
goes straight to hers. And when i log off hers my icon and name doesnt even
appear. So i tired renaming hers to what my name is (Administartor) but then
a message popped up saying someone on your computer already has this name
please pick a different one....So now i have no idea what to do i am trying
everything.. i i cannot delete my sisters account and i cannot change her
account type from computer administrator to limited...I even changed the way
you login to when you type your name and your password so i typed my name in
and it went to my login thing so i tired making changes from there but it
still did not work i have no idea what to do i tired so much but i know that
there is one thing i did not try but i have no idea what it is thats why i am
asking you guys for help i really need your help... PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME!!!
Before my parents turn on my computer and sees what happened to it...

Thank You!!!
P.S. reply A.S.A.P. ((and put down whatever you think will work even if i
already said it because i probably did it the wrong way))
If you're using the graphical login screen (where it shows the usernames)
it's fairly simple to get around this... just hit Ctrl-Alt-Delete until a
username/password login comes up, and login with your Administrator account.

To change the administrator name, although this probably still won't make it
show up in the logon list, there's a value somewhere in Local Security Policy
(Under Administrator Tools in Control Panel), under Local Policies\Security
Options called "Accounts: Rename Administrator account" that you can change
to change the administrator's logon name.
Note: In XP Home, once you create another user account, you can only log into the built in Administrator account via Safe Mode. The CTRL-ALT-DEL twice method does not work in XP Home.
Actually, I went home and tested the ctrl-alt-del twice at the logon screen,
and you do get a text logon in XP Home (SP1, SP2, and base)

I did forget, however, that the Local Security Policy does not exist in
Home. As for a workaround to this, I would suggest making a new user account
for yourself, logging in as Administrator in either safe mode or normal if
possible, and using the Files and Settings transfer wizard to copy the
settings to a new account that will properly display on the logon screen.
Hope this helps.