I know you didn't ask for opinions in this post but I thought I'd just
mention a few suggestions after viewing your site. I am a landscape image
photographer much like yourself and have to compliment you on the images
that you have on your site.
Now for the suggestions. I noticed that you are using very large images for
background images and those images also have your Banner text in them for
each of your pages. As you've noted the pages look OK only at one screen or
window size which is the size of the background image (1050 x 600 pixels).
Anything smaller and the text that is in the background image is not
centered. If you view your site on a large screen the background begins to
show a second copy to the right and to the bottom since backgrounds are
tiled. On my screen I am seeing your banner text two times, one at the top
and another about half way down the page. I also see the text beginning to
show at the right of my screen. Most background textures/images are only a
few pixels square (50 X 50 off the top of my head) and the larger pixel
backgrounds while they may measure 750 x 500 pixels they still blend
together as if they are the whole screen no matter what size the window is.
So my suggestion is to not use a background image that also has your banner
or heading text in it. If you want a graphic banner at the top of your pages
you can insert those with FrontPage on top of your background by using the
insert/picture tool in FrontPage.
TeelCountry Digital Images