Hi Mike
You need to refer your question to
as this area is for Windows 2000 Professional.
As a pointer though try reinstalling your graphics card drivers and
downloading directx 9 from Windows Update
also you will have to check that your graphics card actually is capable
of running certain games
good luck
To expand a bit on this last point:
Open GL is a new(ish) standard for programs (mostly games) to communicate
with video cards. As noted earlier, it is enirely possible that your video
card does not support it.
You may also be having other issues:
You may want to run dxdiag ( a directx testing program) and run all tests
This (should be) accessible by: start->run dxdiag.exe
In follwup replies, it would be good to know:
WHICH games are you having problews with, what model video card do you
have, Processor speed, amount of RAM, and the EXACT text of the error
message (write it down).
One last thing: no adult will beleive that you absolutely NEED to play
video games, especially with school in session. I would leave out the part
about this being urgent.