I have a question about using either a query or coding,
not sure which i need to use. I have a table and it pulls
and ID number, and items that contain that ID number.
What is happening though is everytime and item contains
the ID number, it is listed, what I want it to do is list
the ID number and all the items that contain that item
number, so that the ID number only comes up once with a
list of the items. Can anyone help me to figure out how
to do this? now it is coming up the same ID number
numerous times, I only want it once.
not sure which i need to use. I have a table and it pulls
and ID number, and items that contain that ID number.
What is happening though is everytime and item contains
the ID number, it is listed, what I want it to do is list
the ID number and all the items that contain that item
number, so that the ID number only comes up once with a
list of the items. Can anyone help me to figure out how
to do this? now it is coming up the same ID number
numerous times, I only want it once.