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I am SQL DBA and want to design a form that will update the database ona LAN
environment can someone guide me where can i begin and steps

basically I want to substitute the
through the use of aceess form froma client
You can do this with an Access update query object or
attach the SQL to the form through AccessVB. Either way,
you need to know a little about creating Access forms that
execute actions. In the first method, use Access to help
you create your query and then add a button to the form
that runs that query. In the second method, create a
button on the form and select [Event Procedure] in the
Properties box after the On Click event. Then create a
string that has your SQL command and use the command
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL where strSQL is your string. You may
also want to use the command DoCmd.SetWarnings False/True
to turn messages on and off.