Help XP Mandatory User Profiles and Themes




I have configured a mandatory user profile hosted off a 2003 server on which
the pupils have only read & execute. The profile path in active directory u
& c points to the mandatory profile on the server.

The profile works however the only get the classic desktop. I want my users
to have the lunar theme applied. This doesn't appear to be saved in the

I created a group policy to apply the lunar theme to all my systems, however
my users with mandatory profiles still get the classic desktop and not the
lunar theme.

If I removed the mandatory profile path from the user account the policy is
applied and the pupil has a XP lunar desktop.

Clearly I am missing something important here and it's probably got
something to do with the order in which things are being applied. Is there a
way around this? so that I can have both a mup and a theme applied.

Thanks in advance


Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]

andy said:

I have configured a mandatory user profile hosted off a 2003 server
on which the pupils have only read & execute. The profile path in
active directory u & c points to the mandatory profile on the server.

The profile works however the only get the classic desktop. I want my
users to have the lunar theme applied. This doesn't appear to be
saved in the ntuser.dat

I created a group policy to apply the lunar theme to all my systems,
however my users with mandatory profiles still get the classic
desktop and not the lunar theme.

If I removed the mandatory profile path from the user account the
policy is applied and the pupil has a XP lunar desktop.

Clearly I am missing something important here and it's probably got
something to do with the order in which things are being applied. Is
there a way around this? so that I can have both a mup and a theme

Thanks in advance


Mandatory means it's essentially read-only, so I don't know that you can do
this via policy. I suppose you could modify it (after changing to
user.dat) and then reset it as you wish.

If this is really important to you (it sure wouldn't be to me; I force
classic anyway!) post in to see if there are other


"Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]"
Mandatory means it's essentially read-only, so I don't know that you can do
this via policy. I suppose you could modify it (after changing to
user.dat) and then reset it as you wish.

If this is really important to you (it sure wouldn't be to me; I force
classic anyway!) post in to see if there are other


Thanks for the reply. The computers are used in a school and since most
staff & pupils are used to the XP theme we would like to have it available
in school. We haven't ever bothered with mandatory or roaming profiles in
the past, we have used group policy to lock down the desktops (with great

All I really want to acheive is a XP desktop using mandatory user profiles,
my users will complain if they are presented the classic desktop. Has anyone
cracked this?



andy said:
"Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]"
Mandatory means it's essentially read-only, so I don't know that you can do
this via policy. I suppose you could modify it (after changing to
user.dat) and then reset it as you wish.

If this is really important to you (it sure wouldn't be to me; I force
classic anyway!) post in to see if there are other


Thanks for the reply. The computers are used in a school and since most
staff & pupils are used to the XP theme we would like to have it available
in school. We haven't ever bothered with mandatory or roaming profiles in
the past, we have used group policy to lock down the desktops (with great

All I really want to acheive is a XP desktop using mandatory user profiles,
my users will complain if they are presented the classic desktop. Has anyone
cracked this?


More information:

If the user is a member of the local admin group on the client the user gets
the luna theme applied, regardless of the fact that the profile is
mandatory. Take the user out of local admin and the user gets classic


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