Hi all,
I have just upgrades to Powerpoint XP. As I prepare slides I need to
change font color of some words to hi-light them for my audience. However,
PP XP would "change" the background color every time I change the font color
(background to green if font color to red, to blue if font color to yellow
etc. Enter to return to normal
background color)
Why is PP doing this and how can I disable this new "feature"?
Any general comparisions between Office2000 and XP
versions of Powerpoint is also appreciated. Thanks and regards, lc.
I have just upgrades to Powerpoint XP. As I prepare slides I need to
change font color of some words to hi-light them for my audience. However,
PP XP would "change" the background color every time I change the font color
(background to green if font color to red, to blue if font color to yellow
etc. Enter to return to normal
background color)
Why is PP doing this and how can I disable this new "feature"?
Any general comparisions between Office2000 and XP
versions of Powerpoint is also appreciated. Thanks and regards, lc.