Help with worksheet consolidating

  • Thread starter Thread starter Malcolm
  • Start date Start date



I have a workbook containing 6 worksheets being Nov 01,
Feb 02, May 02, Aug 02, Nov 02 and Jan 03.

Each worksheet contains details of loans on these dates to
clients. Each client has a unique ID number and is in its
own row with columns A-I being ID, Prefix, First Name
through to post code etc and column J being the loan

The first worksheet (Nov 01) contains 76 clients, the
second (Feb 02) contains 189, (May 02) = 297, Aug 02 =
345, Nov 02 = 342 and the last (Jan 03) contains 350

I need a way to import all the details of the clients from
each worksheet to a consolidated worksheet. So if all the
clients in November 01 are also in Feb 02 & May 02, I
would like the consolidated sheet to show Empl Id in
Column A, Prefix Col B, First Name Col C, etc through to
postcode in Col I as in each worksheet. I would then like
to be able to put each loan in the following rows starting
at column J going in worksheet order. For example Col J
would be November 01, Column K could be loan amount for
Feb 02, Col L would be May 02 etc.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks

put a date next to each record that reflects the month and year.

Copy all the data to one worksheet.

with that worksheet, create a pivot table set up to display the results you

Tom Ogilvy