If you are referring to the Recovery Console then you are dealing with the
Administrator account. This is not the same account that you use to logon to
Windows XP. The account you use to logon is a separate account.
The confusion comes because we normally refer to an account that has
Administrator privileges as an 'administrator account.' To put it another
way, an administrator account (small 'a') is separate from the Administrator
account (capital 'A').
If I haven't lost you by now, then you can understand why the password for
your account won't work with the Administrator account: they're two
different accounts. The Administrator account is normally hidden in the Home
edition of Windows XP and it has a blank password. You can assign a password
to the Administator account, but in the Home environment that shouldn't be
necessary and, anyway, it's not a good idea because if you forget that
password you're in big trouble.
So, the short answer to your question is: When the Revovery Console asks for
a password, just hit Enter.
Tom Swift