Windows XP Help with Windows Movie Maker 5.1

Sep 15, 2010
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I am wondering if I unistall Windows Movie Maker 5.1 and reinstall it....would I lose all my files and projects?

I am using Windows XP

Any help would be greatly appreciated....thanks
The projects are stored in Windows Movie Maker. I am hoping there is just a glitch and that if I uninstall and then reinstall it, it will actually allow me to save my movie. I had deleted some of the music files that i had used in my movie along with some pics. Not realizing that WMM does not actually save the files. I then went back and put the songs & pics back in, but I'm not sure that I used the exact ones I had used when I originally made the movie. I had many versions of the songs, so I just imported a similar version back into the MM. Then when trying to save it gave me the msg about making sure the source files and their locations were the same as they were originally. I have no way of knowing the exact ones I had used before. I truly do not know how to fix this issue. I can't even imagine starting the whole project over again. Thats why I am hoping that if I uninstall and reinstall would be like starting over, but everything from my project would still be there.

Did any of that make sense? lol....
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