The below code shows me the number of times A employees is on the same
What I really need is to know how many employees worked on the same day
how many days this occured
this may show up more than once per record on
Example: Forest Gump, Bubba Gump and Leroy Brown all work on Thursday
But on Wednesday 03/16/05 Forest worked by himself
I have a combox box on my form named Employee Time with its control
set to EmployeeID
it looks up the employee from the employee table
also on the form I have a field named WorkDate with its control source
to Work Date (Note Spaces)
also a textbox named Text34 which =Format([Work Date],"dddd") 'This
the day work was done by week day
Thank You So Much For Trying To Help, This code is for a Very difficult
MenWorked and ExtraMen are both textboxes
Very hard to explain this without seeing it.
Allen Browne said:
We dont' know what Rate is, or ExtraMen.
Variables? Text boxes?
Could their value be Null?
Why do they have quote marks within the square brackets?
If they are text boxes, try:
Me.Rate = 65 + Nz(Me.ExtraMen,0) * 32.5
Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.
Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.
This part of my code is highlighted in Yellow and so does not work,
what can I do ?
ExtraMen = MenWorked - 2
["Rate"] = 65 + ["ExtraMen"] * 32.5
1. Declare the MenWorked variable.
2. Check that WorkDate has a date value (not Null).
3. Delimit the literal date with # in the string.
4. Use Nz() convert a null return value to zero.
This kind of thing:
Dim MenWorked As Long
Dim strWhere As String
If IsDate([WorkDate]) Then
strWhere = "[Work Date] = " & Format(WorkDate,
MenWorked = Nz(DCount("[EmployeeID]", "Employees", strWhere),0)
If MenWorked < 3 Then ...
The below code errors out and highlights the MenWorked on the first
Line and says Variable not defined
What can I do?
MenWorked = DCount("[EmployeeID]", "Employees", "[Work Date] = " &
If MenWorked < 3 Then ' Two or fewer men worked so
Rate = 65 ' Rate is $65.00
ExtraMen = MenWorked - 2 ' Count the extra men
Rate = 65 + (ExtraMen * 32.5) ' Start with the orignina $65.00 and
End If ' Multiply the number of extra
men by
' $32.50