Paul Tutle Sr. - OCC
Here is my problem, I have two Dell pc running XP Home Edition. They
are connected together via a Dell Truemobile router. I need the fist
pc to be able to share the files with the second. When I got into
network neighborhood, I can see the files on my own pc and I have set
them to be shared. I go to the second pc and open up network
neighborhood and all I see is my network. I have bothe pc's set up
with the same network name. What am I missing.
are connected together via a Dell Truemobile router. I need the fist
pc to be able to share the files with the second. When I got into
network neighborhood, I can see the files on my own pc and I have set
them to be shared. I go to the second pc and open up network
neighborhood and all I see is my network. I have bothe pc's set up
with the same network name. What am I missing.