Hope you can help.
I keep getting a dialogue box up that states that True
Vector has encountered a problem and will be shut down.
After I click ok I then get another box up and it asks if
I wish to restart True Vector.
This has just started happening in the last 2 months. I
have checked and not found any viruses on my comp. How
can I stop this from happening again.
I await your reply.
(e-mail address removed)
I keep getting a dialogue box up that states that True
Vector has encountered a problem and will be shut down.
After I click ok I then get another box up and it asks if
I wish to restart True Vector.
This has just started happening in the last 2 months. I
have checked and not found any viruses on my comp. How
can I stop this from happening again.
I await your reply.
(e-mail address removed)