Oops, wasnt done yet. If your database has a primary key, then you can use
the datakeys object to loop thru and pick out your values of the row to
which the check box is attached. You will find the check box normally from
the request.forms object. this is totally dependent on how you added the
check boxes in the first place. The datakeys option results in much less
code than any other option i can think of.
Another option is to loop thru the grid looking for a checked check box.
You'd use the datagrid.items object to cycle thru in the loop construct
retrieving the controls. For each control you find, you will cast to a check
box object and then examine the checked property. If it is checked, you loop
thru each cell of the cells object to retrieve the data. you will use that
stored source to populate the new datagrid.
There is another option. Use your first datagrid to find the index of the
checked row, then go find that row in the underlying dataset. add that row
to the dataset2 which forms the datasource of datagrid2. Then rebind. You
need to add a new row, you can't just add a reference because a row must
exist in exactly one dataset. If i've rambled on and on, ask me to clarify.
or somebody else can.